Anti depressants..

I'm genuinely flabbergasted at the amount of people taking these pills.It would seem their useage has increased and become far more acceptable over recent years.

I'm curious as to the reasons.

As it's become far more socially acceptable to admit you might have a mental illness(growing presence in the media ect and now theres easier routes to seek treatment), the stigmas are gradually being lifted and people are starting to talk. Still a long way to go though especially with men.

I do believe they are over-prescribed though and are prescribed a lot of the time as a quick fix as the psychological services are over encumbered, which in an ideal world would be the first port of call.
I'm genuinely flabbergasted at the amount of people taking these pills.It would seem their useage has increased and become far more acceptable over recent years.

I'm curious as to the reasons.
It's a medical condition that needs treatment,you can't get talking therapy on the NHS for months and these medications can literally save your life in the meantime,it should absolutely be acceptable as any treatment for a condition should be ,it's the strange attitude that you should be ashamed of it or seen as being weak that needs to change,we lose people because they can't speak out,mental health is a huge umbrella term with many different conditions in it,after my very nasty violent divorce i used to wake up shaking,i didn't even feel safe in my own bed,couldn't answer the door/phone/post,go in the garden to feed the birds even,the cat meowing made me want to kill her,no-one to lean on,the medication saved me,now whether you should stay on them long term is a whole different discussion and that is very personal to each person and how your life is affected

The mental health teams are under funded despite Mays promise to fund it better,they are where you need to be as they use medications and/or counselling,your GP has 7 mins to help you,i'm very lucky with mine,i can call him whenever i want and he will spend a long time with me,he is suffers as well so well placed to help me,a lot of people don't have that

Do people who don't need them get them? yes i believe so,how you solve that i don't know,you know when you are in a clinical depression and acute anxiety i believe so you could say if you are just unhappy or fed up with work or something then try and change your situation first but it's complex,the best thing is to make an imformed decision with your dr that knows you and go from there,knowledge is power as they say

I don't do long posts,my head hurts now
Ive been on this since about week after I started the thread.

It took ages abut Ive now gone back to work (3 months signed off) and Im starting to develop some resolve.

I honestly dont know how I was upright before I started taking them.

That's amazing progress. I completely get that; occasionally when I forget to sort my prescription my mood is absolutely shite, quick to temper, complete apathy and generally rubbish to be around
My GP said to persist with the 40mg of Citalopram for the time being. I did mention Escitalopram and Wellbutrin but he needs to contact my ex-ADHD nurse before a prescription can be considered.

It’s been almost 3 weeks now on the 40mg but I still feel tired about 80% of the day. It’s terribly frustrating. I was falling asleep during the second half of our game today and that was when the match was still evenly poised. ;(

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