Any Long Covid sufferers on here?

It's certainly on the rise, loads at work displaying symptoms and I've tested positive this morning, solitary confined for 5 days so the Mrs and kids don't get it, typical city it happens when there's no games on, fuckin Qatar world Cup, I should have been watching the world Cup now
My missus tested positive again yesterday and her mum and dad who were here at the weekend. Me and the daughter so far have escaped it this time but it seems to be on the up for sure.
My missus tested positive again yesterday and her mum and dad who were here at the weekend. Me and the daughter so far have escaped it this time but it seems to be on the up for sure.
Yep the rates are firing up, found out earlier the couple that live next door both have it, and there seems to be loads of folk online with it, the MSN channels are all starting to pick up on it as well which is never a good sign
Was not going to post again but in line with the above there has been an even bigger rise in hospitalisations now over the past 10 days or so since I last did.

As of tomorrow Gov UK is reducing all the data posting to just once a week. So tracking it now will end as of tomorrow anyway.

But England patients today are up 351 to 8928 - that is a up a third in the current week and two thirds in the past 10 days.

Wales and Scotland are up too but not quite as much in Wales. Northern Ireland barely reports now.

There is about 11,000 in hospital in the UK all told. Double about a month ago.

However, many are testing after being admitted so came in for other reasons.

Ventilators are up this week - From 149 to 211 in England in the 7 days and about 240 in the UK so not much sign that these cases are proving more dangerous.

Deaths have also risen for three successive weeks in England but are not at anything like the level they were even in the earlier Omicron waves yet.~

244 in England hospitals in the past seven days V 205 week before and 189 week before that

However, the North West has been one of the most hit and patients have risen from 1086 to 1517 in the past week. With 25 on ventilators up from 15. So nothing yet to be overly concerned about.

The highest numbers of deaths are still in the over 80s BUT noticeably the gap is reducing with the 60 - 79 years - though still less.

Nothing as yet to be too concerned over but it would not be a surprise to see over 60s be invited for a fourth jab in the next few weeks as in my case (in my early 70s) I had my third one nearly 8 months ago now and I think that is starting to be a bit long of a gap.

They might wait until September but I think it might need to start sooner if the numbers continue.

Though Zoe is showing some small hints that we might be close to the peak and if numbers start to fall they may well leave it to the autumn for another dose given the other pressing economic issues.

Deaths below 60 are still very low. Just 3 of the 46 in England today. With North West on 10 the most and Liverpool the highest in the UK.
The worrying thing for me is this spike is happening outside the coughs and colds season. Even the last two years saw covid really dwindling (iirc) buy July /aug. If we have a spike now, how might the numbers look when schools go back in the autumn
It is part of the process of becoming an endemic disease. It will now cycle through waves of activity almost regardless of weather. People still get colds in Summer. IT is just our behaviour minimises it and Winter optomises it.

The vaccines will be tweaked to respond and will be annual for all the more vulnerable just as with flu. Which also changes all the time and the vaccinations does not stop but helps mitigate. That is where we have reached,

Hopefully it will gradually become less dangerous as the human body + vacinations create an equilibrium with humanity and virus. A rogue version can always appear - such as a deadly flu can. But this has become another of the things we just have to accept are out there and deal with it as best we can. ~

The more cautious will react more cautiously but unless they lock themselves away forever will likely be better off getting both all the jabs offered but also getting a hopefully mild dose to top of their own response.

This was always going to be how it ended. The Spanish Flu in 1918 never really went away. It has spawned several follow on outbreaks - the most recent in 2009.It still kills people but less than it did a century ago because humans recognise it and we now have some protetction against it from drugs.

Covid in a sense is not as dangerous as Spanish Flu as it mostly effects those who are old and sick already whereas the Spanish Flu killed young healthy people rapidly.

There almost certainly will be another Covid wave in the winter and we will get another jab to try to minimise it.
It was the last day of full number disclosure today. Gov UK will now only publish data once a week on Wednesdays.

England Cases fell slightly today by about 1000 and are up about a quarter on last week. Less than the rise last week.

Zoe also is showing cases as starting to level off and North West which has been one of the main drivers has the best numbers on Zoe today out of all 12 UK regions.

So far this wave is not as bad as any of the previous ones. Which is a good sign - especially if we are near the peak as Zoe is hinting.

Northern Ireland patients in hospital are actually falling now - 393 as of yesterday V 453 last Thursday.

Scotland, Wales and England are still rising though,

Scotland up by about a third - though no data since Monday here,

Wales is up 375 to 575 patients last Thursday to yesterday.

And England is up today by another 461 - biggest rise of the week - to 9389 V 6752 last Friday & 5037 the Friday before.

Patients will lag cases so any hints of falls in cases will not translate into hospital numbers for another week or so. So these numbers probably look more worrying than they are

Next week will tell us a lot if we get the data to show it as this is now going to be much harder to access. But signs are hopeful we are near the peak.

Ventilators are rising still 219 in England today V 168 last Friday and 120 two weeks ago.

BUT - this is the key data - that is exactly in line with the lower levels of the last Omicron variant in Sprng when there were 221 on 11 March as patients were last rising through the number it is today.

And yet in the first more deadly Winter OMicron wave the numbers at same patient numbers were 758 on ventiltors when same patient numbers were going up at the number today and were 303 on 17 February after that worst Omicron wave when we were heading down through it out of that wave.

So clearly so far the signs are that - like the last Omicron wave - this wave is less deadly than the one we had at Christmas and into January.

That is the story the media likely will not report but is the most significant and good news.
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Thought it had gone but again i find myself breathless, chest infection, back on inhalers and antibiotics and prednisolone, never ending is long covid
Planned to have one good rest this weekend after having Covid last week/weekend.
But stayed over at the kids last night (mum was away) and had a totally restless nights sleep (did not sleep for one moment). This happend two weeks ago (also at the kids...think the place is bloody haunted) and left to my immune system crumbling (always pick up at least a cold if I have a torrid time without sleep).

Other than being dog tired I do actually feel much better than the last week.
Won't try any exercise until next week (some scary moments with the lungs and heart last year during long covid) but if this is the worse I'll have it then I'll take that. Couple of weeks out of action compared to a good 8-12 months last year.
Why do i feel worse every day? I now feel nauseous just standing up. My head feels too heavy and my breathing gets so fast and shallow. I have to have a rest just brushing my teeth. Using the toilet is no fun.

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