Any Rags in your?

My Dad and pretty much everyone on his side of the family.

Saying that though, he isn't bad. He used to go to watch both City and United when he was younger.
My 6 year old daughter says she's a united fan - but that's only usually after she has failed to get her own way. Needless to say, I always threaten to give her City top away when she does this and she panics :-)

You see, it's genetic with women; they know from birth how to wind you up.
My ENTIRE family is red extending even to those I barely know of like my mum's cousins, etc. I'm literally the only one I know of who is a blue and it has caused much bewilderment in my family - it stems from my rebellious attitude as a kid, I was ABU (Anyone But United) as early as 9-10 years old despite pressure to support them. I remember when I was maybe 9, my school teacher supported Southampton and taught me about the players so I could go home and tell my parents I preferred Southampton. Eventually, after "supporting" any rival of United to annoy my family, I became a City fan during the mid-90s but access to them was difficult because we had moved to Australia by then and thus my life's biggest regret - never getting to Maine Road (we were at the CoMS by the time I moved home).

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