Anybody expecting A level results tomorrow?

N-Word-Joe said:
yeh man ! fucking bricking it now ! had to resit this year so this is sort of my last chance ..... got to get ABB for Brum uni .... although some fit birds i know are all going my 2nd choice !

what course are people going for? ... economics for me

Birminghams my second choice m8, hoping not to go there but there is a good chance I could be going too!
goat867 said:
urmston said:
Imagine what it was like for us oldies when we waited for our A level results. People actually used to fail them or get poor grades like D and E in those days.

If you got 3 A grades though the local paper came round to your house and photographed you. Nowadays they'd need a special pull out supplement if they did that.

Its not our fault if we are the clever generation!:)
Unfortunately Urmston is quite right, now i'm a member of this clever generation before people say I am biased (just finished 1st year at uni). When an A grade becomes too easy to achieve that they need to introduce an A* grade at A-Level there is some serious "dumbing down" going on.

Anyway good luck to all of you I know the feeling! ;-)
Good luck to you all, I've got fingers crossed for my youngest, he needs BCC to get into Liverpool John Moores doing Film Studies and Creative Writing.
mancityscot said:
Got my intermediate 2 results on the 5th of august, the Scottish equivalent of gcse's. 5 a's and 3 b's. fair chuffed. Good luck guys

No one likes a show off ;)

Jk, well done.
goat867 said:
ABB need it to get into Manchester Uni, I live in the South so it means I would be able to see City more often... Serious stuff! what about you?[/quote

its only my AS's to, but ill just be happy with B's and C's, im actually hoping to go to leeds so i need like A's never gonna happen, looks like i'll be stayin in manchester
BlueMoonWalker said:
goat867 said:
Its not our fault if we are the clever generation!:)
Unfortunately Urmston is quite right, now i'm a member of this clever generation before people say I am biased (just finished 1st year at uni). When an A grade becomes too easy to achieve that they need to introduce an A* grade at A-Level there is some serious "dumbing down" going on.

Anyway good luck to all of you I know the feeling! ;-)

Students get poor grades, anybody above a certain age complains of low education standards and scream about who is going to be running the country when they are pensioners.

Students get good grades, anybody above a certain age complains that the exams are too easy, and scream about who is going to be running the country when they are pensioners.

Thus, the circle of hypocrisy is complete.

Clarkson said it best when he commented that his kids got better grades than him because they were probably smarter than him at the same age. You'd be surprised how clever kids are now that the internet has made information freely available twenty four hours a day, without the need for the checking in/out process of libraries. Thanks to the internet, I was able to read research papers from a very clever lady at the University of Auckland, which I used in my dissertation.

Now if we could only free up the IEEE archives (and the like of), they'd be set. £25 a paper is scandalous when you are doing research and you want to check a primary source.
Damocles said:
BlueMoonWalker said:
Unfortunately Urmston is quite right, now i'm a member of this clever generation before people say I am biased (just finished 1st year at uni). When an A grade becomes too easy to achieve that they need to introduce an A* grade at A-Level there is some serious "dumbing down" going on.

Anyway good luck to all of you I know the feeling! ;-)

Students get poor grades, anybody above a certain age complains of low education standards and scream about who is going to be running the country when they are pensioners.

Students get good grades, anybody above a certain age complains that the exams are too easy, and scream about who is going to be running the country when they are pensioners.

Thus, the circle of hypocrisy is complete.

Clarkson said it best when he commented that his kids got better grades than him because they were probably smarter than him at the same age. You'd be surprised how clever kids are now that the internet has made information freely available twenty four hours a day, without the need for the checking in/out process of libraries. Thanks to the internet, I was able to read research papers from a very clever lady at the University of Auckland, which I used in my dissertation.

Now if we could only free up the IEEE archives (and the like of), they'd be set. £25 a paper is scandalous when you are doing research and you want to check a primary source.

I didn't mean to start a political debate lol, good stuff though

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