Anybody expecting A level results tomorrow?

Congratulations to all who did well and got the results they were looking for, i have to go through it all next week, although i'll be in Wales so might have to wait until the 2nd before i get my results :s

It is frustrating seeing comments like " you get a pass just for writing your name" etc, I find it quite degrading and disrespectful. We have spent 2 years working towards these exams(in my case them being GCSE's), just to be told they're "easy" etc. These exams are what helps decide our futures, people complain of the levels of unemployment, if we get good results we take a step closer to achieving the careers we desire.
My daughter got what she needed so watch out Sheffield!!!!

I'll tel you what - she did Maths & Physics and if they're easier than they were in my day I didn't notice!

Well done to everyone who got what they wanted and commiserations to anyone who didn't.
Prestwich_Blue said:
My daughter got what she needed so watch out Sheffield!!!!

I'll tel you what - she did Maths & Physics and if they're easier than they were in my day I didn't notice!

Well done to everyone who got what they wanted and commiserations to anyone who didn't.

Precisely. I did Maths, Further Maths, Chemistry and Physics too and if they're easy then I'd like to know what difficult is.

The people who are saying A Levels are easy should go and do them then come back with full marks. Then and only then are they entitled to an opinion of that nature. I worked incredibly hard for my A levels so anybody that down-talks or degrades them isn't the sort of person I give my time to.

In the past 5 years my 3 kids have all done A levels. The eldest has just finished a masters degree, the middle one is just starting a masters degree. My youngest got 3 A grades today. I myself have a degree but all 3 of my kids worked far harder than I ever did at their age. They and their school mates who've done as well are a credit to their generation and the state system.
denislawsbackheel said:
In the past 5 years my 3 kids have all done A levels. The eldest has just finished a masters degree, the middle one is just starting a masters degree. My youngest got 3 A grades today. I myself have a degree but all 3 of my kids worked far harder than I ever did at their age. They and their school mates who've done as well are a credit to their generation and the state system.
Well said that man.
After encountering many problems with results in the past few days, I was delighted to read this on my ucas acount this morning.

"Congratulations! Your place at The University of Salford to study Popular Music and Recording has been confirmed."

Rhysonaldinho is Happy :-D
rhysonaldinho said:
After encountering many problems with results in the past few days, I was delighted to read this on my ucas acount this morning.

"Congratulations! Your place at The University of Salford to study Popular Music and Recording has been confirmed."

Rhysonaldinho is Happy :-D
Well done mate! :)!

Hope I get a message similar to that next year! :)

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