anybody fancy a bit of poetry

Into my heart on air that kills
From yon far country blows:
What are those blue remembered hills,
What spires, what farms are those?

That is the land of lost content,
I see it shining plain,
The happy highways where I went
And cannot come again.

A E Houseman
A young girl named Patel from Calcutta
Was one day heard to mutter
It's so bloody hot
That the sweat from my T**t
Is forming large pools in the gutter

So there
Love Poem

Beyond watching eyes
With seet and tender kisses
Our souls reached out to each other
In breathless wonder

And when I awoke
From a vast and smiling peace
I found you bathed in morning light
Quietly studying
All the messages on my phone


bornblueegg said:
Love Poem

Beyond watching eyes
With seet and tender kisses
Our souls reached out to each other
In breathless wonder

And when I awoke
From a vast and smiling peace
I found you bathed in morning light
Quietly studying
All the messages on my phone



That was excellent bbe
Joined: 03 Feb 2009, 10:47
Posts: 353 Hey, Daddy, wid ye get us a dug ?
A big broon alsation ur a wee white pug ?
Ur a skinny wee terrier, ur a big fat collie?
Aw, daddy,get us a dug. Will yi ?

Whit! An' whose dug'll it be when it durties the flerr,
An' wets the carpet and messes the sterr?
Its me ur yer mammy'll be tane furra mug.
Away oot'n play. Yer no getting a dug.

But daddy thur gi'en them away
Down therr at the RSPCA.
Yu'll get wan fur nothin, so ye will.
Aw. Daddy, get us a dug, Will ye?

Dji hear um? Oan aboot dugs again?
Ah think that yins goat dugs'n the brain.
Ah know whit yu'll get: a skite oan the lug
If ah hear ony merr aboot this bloomin dug.

Aw, Daddy, it widny be dear tae keep
An'ah'd make it a basket fur it tae sleep.
An'ah'd take it fur runs away ower the hull.
Aw, Daddy, get us a dug. Will ye?

A doan't think thurs embdy like you:
Yi could wheedle the twist oot a flamin' corkscrew.
Noo! Get doon aff my neck. Gies nane a yur hugs.
Aw right. THAT'S ANUFF. Ah'll get yi a dug.

Aw Daddy. A dug. A dug.

cheers Darker shade of blue
That wasn't mine btw , but I did write a lot of poetry as a kid .
I found an old book with many still in it , so thought I'd type one out for Toby :o) It's probably about 25 years old . I was a troubled kid lol .

A loser in the making

Another days hand is waved high in retreat
The last whisper in the hour has surrendered it's dying beat
And as the sun is succumbed to the final shaddow in the street
I sit alone and cry ; what have I done ?

Another hustle in the pool room , cigarette stumps in the tray
Another reminiscent moment , as my dreams all fade away
And as I write , the words get harder with every line I try to say
I sit alone and cry ; what should I have done ?

I'm standing at the crossroads , all the signs just read the same
You know you've got to have the best hand if you're going to win the game
But I'm not sure that I've got a single Ace card to my name
So I'll sit and think about what could be done

I'm just a loser in the making on the edge of defeat
Turning pages of a long book , barely written , incomplete
Walking circles in a never ending struggle to compete
Against the soaked up self pity of what little I have done

Yet memories of yesterday are not things I seek to keep
For the benefits of looking back are seldom there to reep
And I'll have my finest hour as I'm curled up fast asleep
As I dream of future things that will be done
exileindevon said:
you should try and get some musician to collaborate with..i find that quite moving darker shade

Glad you liked it .
I was probably about 17-20 when I wrote them . There are loads of others but I won't hog the thread by posting more .
Talking about musicians , here's an mp3 of me playing the guitar ( kind of goes with the poem lmao )
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 0TRACK.mp3</a>

Best with headphones on :o)
Darker shade of Blue said:
exileindevon said:
you should try and get some musician to collaborate with..i find that quite moving darker shade

Glad you liked it .
I was probably about 17-20 when I wrote them . There are loads of others but I won't hog the thread by posting more .
Talking about musicians , here's an mp3 of me playing the guitar ( kind of goes with the poem lmao )
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 0TRACK.mp3</a>

Best with headphones on :o)

feel free to hog my thread you really are very good ;0)
Many of them are a bit deep , but a few are kind of readable without wanting to throw yourself off a bridge lmao .

Another seeing as you asked .
Basically my opinion of man through the eyes of a kid (me) at the time .


Who dares define the essence of life
Who's hatred over powers remorse
Who will sow the seeds of tomorrows child
When contempt has harvested yesterdays
Who are you to condemn anothers belief
To judge , yet not the faults of your own
To tread the soil where others have slept
And bury your flags in the remains of their past
To turn a blind eye on he who has less
Yet envy he who has established more
Just who are you , who gets fat off the land
Who taxes the inner depths of his brothers soul
Excuses are made for those who reflect
In the waters beneath the bridge where you peer
And trust is the unwritten word in the book
Of the man who likes to write all his own rules
For one so blind to the love of his kin
The teachers of life have yet to be taught

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