Anyone else been accused of the Glory Hunting Tag yet?

Yeah near Southampton.

I was there to visit mates. All done in good nature but my mate had to confirm that I was a blue from Manchester since 1970.

Natural to get lumped in with the glory hunters when outside Manchester. I've no problem with it. Once you get talking to most fans you realise that, as long as it hurts United, they are OK with it.
Pezzer2 said:
I work all around the country on the railway and im getting grief like never before in showing my city allegiance.

- Working in Kent recently some welsh guy spotted my city scarf in back window, "Oh another City fan jumping on the bandwagon" I just sat him down anmd talked about my trips to York, Lncoln, Colchester etc...

- Working in Welwyn Garden City I watched the City and Wolves game in Carling Cup. The place erupted when Wolves took the lead. I know we are now hated but that cemented the fact. When we scored the 3 goals in succession im dancing round the place like i had the stupid lapse of concentration when you think you can take on the world and told the lads in there to shove that up there cakehole. Needless to say I got grief galore, "Thought City fans only come from Manchester" "Another Glory hunting c**t who probably was a Chelsea fan last week" They were quite shocked at half time when they realised I was a Manc

- Walking round the local supermarket in my City top in Maghull where I now live is causing quite a stir. "FFS where are all these city fans appearing from" is the snide response from people brushing by me. "Mancs coming on our patch whats going on la" IM LOVING IT!!!!

- The best is a guy I've been working with for the last couple of weeks. He's a red from Blackpool. He and another red from Worsley keep reminded me how it wont count if we win the league because of how much we have spent blah blah blah. His only match in the last 3 years was Leeds away in the Carling Cup this year says it all. He says City fans have suddenly appeared everywhere in Blackpool. Oh how the irony eh!!!

Im loving it loving loving it!!!

isnt there a good s/c there and they bring a couple of buses each game
Not one single person supported City before takeover and all those 30,000 fans in division 2 were cardboard cutouts.

so yes we are all gloryhunters and should be ashamed of ourselves and go to bed without any tea.
I've been hammered as a prawn butty glory hunter type loads by people in Norwich and a few back home in Manc are the same. This is my first full season where I've missed more than 4 home games!!!! GRRRRRRR. No real affect on the away games yet!
bobby chariots said:
prairiemoon said:
scowy68 said:
I haven't myself,but one of the little lads teachers asked him if he'd jumped on the bandwagon,cheeky twat!
Would have round for a visit that very afternoon, 193cm/ 16.5stone, belittle my son like that and they'll wish they hadn't.

^I dont think you should be mixing the metric and imperial measurements, quite confusing for children.

I was called 'gloryhunter' by a Newcastle fan last summer at a party. He said it with such bitterness and bile. I think that was a key moment for me - I realised this shit will be aimed at us quite a lot, and that you just have to get used to it.
We have fans who have supported City for many years and some will be new to City. If we can take a few 'swing-voters' away from the rags its fine by me.

an example of a 'swing-voter' would be me, and i am watching United and hoping that they lose tonight :D

i'm hating on all those United fans at Old Trafford and across the globe that can't speak a word of proper English. And don't knock me for swinging over, the movie Contagion just boiled my blood about certain folks and i thought to myself, i just hated those folks. fook them they can catch SARS again and go to their graves with their Rag shirts on
I always have to say 'My Dad is from Manchester' when justifying why I support City, I must sound like such a glory hunter. I'm getting angry just thinking I'm being compared to those glory hunting reds.
This has only happened to me once and in rather ironic circumstances.

It was in the Summer and I had been on the Summer "Shambles" shindig with Dave Duke, Prestwich, De niro, McKenzie, Aphex, Young Bob,GSC, Stevie B, Feed the Goat and a few others. I left them all going for a meal around 8'ish and caught the Train home from Picadilly.

Instead of waiting for a stopping Train to Padgate I caught the Direct to Warrington and jumped in a Taxi. The Driver asked me where I had been and when I told him what I had been doing that afternoon he said;

"How long have you been a City fan then three years ?" - turns out he was your typical "Dipper" with the chip on the Shoulder talking about our lack of "istry" - thing was though their was a nastiness behind the remark that went past the usual Banter between opposing fans.

I then had a wonderful 15 minutes ripping the pony -tailed no mark to shreds.
Let's all embrace new supporters,young and old,black,White,Asian,Spanish,and of course all our Arab friends.Everyone is welcome to our fantastic classy football club,they will always come back for two reasons,the quality on the pitch,and the way we have always conducted ourselves as supporters,our support has been admired and so to our humour and loyalty.Great to see even more families,middle aged couples,I also think we have a new breed of supporter people who have never liked the rags and their arrogance!
Was in a boozer in Devon watching City bash the pants off Spurs. I knew that United were on next on SKY so the pub would fill up with plastics. As it happened as we were thrashing Spurs the Devon locals in their ManU football tops started to fill the boozer.

I was their with the father in law and some big plastic starts shouting over at me that 'We've started to come out of the woodwork, since we got money'. I stood up and pulled out my wallet, slapped my season card on the table and told him 'You may not recognize one of those, It's a season card for my local team'.

His response was 'There's no need to be like that then' YCNMIU

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