Anyone else concerned about tomorrow night?

Im actually really confident for once, to much skill and raw talent for the taff's to deal with tonight.

Im that confident and sure of some ''shexy shexy'' football and goals, Im going to set my alarm for 2am and pull a sicky in the morning!

Come'on blues!!
thing that worries me about it is that a team that comes up to prem for the 1st time are always on a high and really up for it,look at blackpool last season won 4-0 at wigan,season before Burnley beat the scum at turf moor(won a bit of money on that),then season before that Hull beat Fulham 2-1(i think).So we cant take them lightly which im sure we wont,going for 2-0 City
The ony thing that worries me about Swansea is the fact that they know they aren't expected too win.

Our midfield will be way too much for them.
they could definitely score and provide some real drama (or moaning) but in the end I think we are gonna win this match one way or another. I mean, who are we Liverpool?

I'd put my house on it!
I wouldn't be nervous, post people on here think we would beat Real Madrid or Barcelona!!
I'm not nervous at all. The worse that can happen is we get beat by a clearly inferior team that rides it's luck.

For those blues worrying about the medias reaction to anything other than a convincing City win I will let you in to a secret. It does not matter a fuck what the result is they will still dig up something negative about us if we win 10-1. Don't worry about it.
United played newly promoted Reading on the opening day a few years ago and drew 0-0. They went on to win the league title at the end of that season.

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