Anyone else sick of hearing from our gobby players?

Maybe the players speak out because we 'the fans' are too susceptible to rising to it and turning on our manager - exactly what the players want when they have a 'beef' with the manager.

It's called fan power and it has cost many a City managers job. Maybe we should 'for once' just back the manager in the face of a prima dinna footballer.

It's the ONLY way that players in the future will know to toe the line.
If anyone thinks that players of this calibre are going to sit back and take their lot stuck on the bench, they'd better think again.
uwe282828 said:
yes im sick of our moaning players ,theyve got great contracts fantastic facilities there made for life because of our club yet they still moan.but its a bit worring when Bellamy says he`s not spoke to the manager in six months!communication is vital

Bellamy is also on record as saying he didn't really talk to Mark Hughes, either...
The likes of Bellamy, Given..etc are 30 plus, are desperate to play, have worked their socks off, especially Given when you consider how much work he put in to get back from the injury so quickly, have done nothing wrong to be dropped, and they'll fight to tooth and nail to start, neither want to leave, and want to stay. But ye can't expect that at a professional sport to act like an amateur one. If you're 30 plus and not getting games and coming to the end of the career, you don't really want to have to warm the bench now do you, especially when there is another option.
I mean calling these players primma donnas and the likes, I mean I've watched Given play for 10 plus years, I've met him, he's about as far from one as you could find, but he wants to play. He's a record of backing managers to the end, even ones as bad as Newcastle has produced and even Stan at Ireland. He's fought off Harper for 11 odd years, he's not afraid of a fight, but we've got to realise that they want to play football and our professional status as a sport means there are ways that can happen.

They have shown a hugh desire to play for the team, and are desperate to do so. Nothing wrong with that at all. But they're not robots. We knew this would happen.
Mancini hasn't spoken to Bellamy for six months. How exactly does he 'manage' him?
If he isn't gobby we wouldn't have a clue how Mancini treats the team.
Bellamy told to stay out of publicity shots. I'd be scared too.

The City players are moaning more than other teams because we have the biggest squad. The other teams have nothing like the selection City has. Its quite a team when Bellamy might not make it.
Peter Doherty said:
Whilst I understand that players aren't going to be happy if they're not first choice/in the squad I'm sick of hearing their mard-arsed outbursts. This is going to happen at other clubs also and I don't hear many other players coming out with this guff. However, our lot are lining up to run to the press. Sick of it...

No fella fundamentally disagree

In the case of Bellars i suspect his future depends upon the Balotelli deal
In the case of Shay / Hart they are amongst the top 5 keepers in the prem and therefore amongst the best in the world - without first team football Hart is unlikely to be considered for England - for Given he is 34 and needs to play football.

I dont consider these guys to be anything other than quality pros who desperately want to play for this club
That's why they'll be kicked out.

Have anyone noticed? There're only these local players that always go out to cry and moan in the public about their own little things but the like of foreign pro like Zabaleta, Garrido, Kompany, Vieira, Caicedo, Kolo and etc. will always keep their heads down and prove themselves with their works on the pitch instead!

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