Anyone have any experience

Hope things work out for you, a pinch of asafoetida in water works for me when I have an upset stomach. ( I know it's not as serious as what you have but it does help ) I also keep an eye on foods that are alkali and acidic and try to eat neutral ph foods.

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Dicko69 said:
a lot depends on how early treatment starts, my worst bout was my 1st one, mainly because i was terrified of telling anyone. ended up in hospital for 6 weeks off school for 6 months. i was put on the steroids, prednisilone iirc, a few side effects, but i've lived my life without it impeding me, was told i couldnt do anything strenuous etc, but i played football for over 10 years sat and sun league and done work involving heavy lifting. had to switch from lager to bitter because lager was to gassy and bloated me.

I think he described it as moderate but I was off my face with the sedation at the time but he said it was very badly inflamed. I suppose I'm going to have to take it one day at a time.

Apparently it's an autoimmune disease.
sounds like you've had 1 long flare up, once treated this time, you may be on the steroids for several months, you can get back to your normal life. watch your diet, dairy products is usually a trigger( i still enjoy ice cream and cheese, just dont be drinking pints of milk all day every day) my last flare up i caught early( i know the signs/symptons now) i went docs, i was on tablets for 2 weeks, not 1 day off work, the odd minor stomach ache barely affected me. i've been problem free for 10 years now.
Dicko69 said:
sounds like you've had 1 long flare up, once treated this time, you may be on the steroids for several months, you can get back to your normal life. watch your diet, dairy products is usually a trigger( i still enjoy ice cream and cheese, just dont be drinking pints of milk all day every day) my last flare up i caught early( i know the signs/symptons now) i went docs, i was on tablets for 2 weeks, not 1 day off work, the odd minor stomach ache barely affected me. i've been problem free for 10 years now.
Your post gives me hope. Right now I couldn't even imagine one symptom free day.
Going through a pretty bad flare up at the minute. Anyone any tips on how to minimise the effects? Been in hospital on a drip all day and just got blood running out the rear end at present. They have given me some steroids to stick where the sun don't shine and thankfully I was already booked in to see the gastro this Wednesday. Also @bobmcfc how have you been since you commented on here about your condition?
a lot depends on how early treatment starts, my worst bout was my 1st one, mainly because i was terrified of telling anyone. ended up in hospital for 6 weeks off school for 6 months. i was put on the steroids, prednisilone iirc, a few side effects, but i've lived my life without it impeding me, was told i couldnt do anything strenuous etc, but i played football for over 10 years sat and sun league and done work involving heavy lifting. had to switch from lager to bitter because lager was to gassy and bloated me.

I stress I am not making light of anyone's condition but I had to laugh at that last bit. Stuff the meds and the symptoms it cuts straight to the main issue - what beer can I drink ha ha ha - sort of " anything as long as I am not doomed to pints of mild " !! A true Mancunian male response - great stuff, good luck to you lads and happy drinking !!!
Going through a pretty bad flare up at the minute. Anyone any tips on how to minimise the effects? Been in hospital on a drip all day and just got blood running out the rear end at present. They have given me some steroids to stick where the sun don't shine and thankfully I was already booked in to see the gastro this Wednesday. Also @bobmcfc how have you been since you commented on here about your condition?
Well I'm in remission after being put on imuran but latest blood results show my inflammation markers are up so might be starting to get poorly again. Ive noticed an increase in abdomen discomfort and loads of tiredness too. Need to get in to see my consultant really and I'm trying to get that sorted.
Sorry to hear you are bad but I have no tips. When I was flaring nothing I did helped at all. Only thing that gave me my life back was immune suppressants
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Well I'm in remission after being put on imuran but latest blood results show my inflammation markers are up so might be starting to get poorly again. Ive noticed an increase in abdomen discomfort and loads of tiredness too. Need to get in to see my consultant really and I'm trying to get that sorted.
Sorry to hear you are bad but I have no tips. When I was flaring nothing I did helped at all. Only thing that gave me my life back was immune suppressants

I should have gone in when the discomfort in my abdomen started. I was already due in to see the gastro this Wednesday so was trying to ride it out till then. The bleeding started about 2 days ago though and has just not stopped.
It is what it is and will just have to ride it out.

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