Are All Psychics Fake?


Well-Known Member
10 Jan 2012
Something that has gone as far back as witchcraft is the idea that there is people with psychic ability amongst us.

Where do you stand on it? I'd like to believe someone somewhere does but why not do the 1 million dollar challenge and give to a needing charity? the evidence against psychics is too compelling and too many get exposed as frauds.. should be locked up as they are either are people who are ripping people off knowingly or are hearing voices in there heads..


I've known many family members "duped" by these people praying on vulnerability, it's sad..
1990 I was working at a summer camp in the US in between Uni years (or Poly years actually).
As soon as the camp was over I had to return immediately as I had failed an essay and had 2 weeks to complete it on return or I'd not be able to join the final year.
Headed to New York, bought the flight ticket and had $10 in my pocket left other than a couple of $$ to get the subway to JFK.

I saw this window sign - palm reader $10 and thought - why not!
She said I would live to be 87 (that will do me I thought), have 3 kids (had the snip after the second) but she also said ''you have a lot on your mind at the moment but this time next year all will be fine''.
I got back, got a C for the essay and a year later passed the course and all was fine :)

So, to quote Meatloaf (which I don't recall doing before.....) if I live to be 87 then 2 out of 3 aint bad. Of course, there is still time for some kid of mine to pop up and declare him / herself as my offspring given the amount of females I have (ahem) had fun with over the years prior to the snip ;)
They make a good point about why does psychics take money if what they are doing is for the greater good? I'd be more inclined to believe a real psychic exists if they offered me a free reading and had no agenda.

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