Are We Overreacting?


Well-Known Member
11 Nov 2008
Chorlton (South Stand 116)
I can't see past my rage at the moment..Livid

But through the haze I still realise we are on 71 points

Is it just reactionary to want Bobby out?

I'm beginning to think once I've calmed down a little I might think differently

Took Taggart awhile to win the league..
Think everyones just annoyed with how much trust he put in one player... you only had to see the reaction of some of the players when Mario got sent off today to see what's going on.

However, i'm not sure what options we had... couldn't start Tevez after coming straight back as it completely undermimes the manager and as for Dzeko, what the fuck has he ever done?
IanBishopsHaircut said:
I can't see past my rage at the moment..Livid

But through the haze I still realise we are on 71 points

Is it just reactionary to want Bobby out?

I'm beginning to think once I've calmed down a little I might think differently

Took Taggart awhile to win the league..
Fuck how long it took that Scottish nonce to win the premier league,Mancini had it in the palm of is hands and he fucked up big style.roll on 2012-13
No, we're not. Teams don't play this badly without a serious problem, and you can't help but think the Mancini/Balotelli relationship is pretty pivotal to the whole thing. You can only get away with such flagrant favouritism if the performances on the pitch are exceptional, and obviously they're a million miles from it. Balotelli may well go on and have his best years at another club, but we would still be better for his leaving. I think Mancini should stay if he can show that he's learning, but all those that harp on about stabiliy continually fail to recognise that stability for stabilities sake is worthless, and sticking with the wrong man (or men) will serve us no better than sacking him and getting in another highly qualified manager.
As I've said in the Mancini thread, I'd give him one more year to deliver the title. Failure to do so; goodbye. I can understand that others may feel differently though. As for comparing how long Ferguson took to win the title to Mancini, that's a bit simplistic. The whole football landscape has changed post Sky. Money is everything now, and Mancini has had a load of money at his disposal which, from my hazy memory, Ferguson did not have in his early years at the sty (even allowing for inflation). Once they won that first title (in Sky's first year), then the money just came rolling in and they started spending to keep winning it.
Some are but I can tell you I´ve been torn for some time now and what I thought a while back has come to fruition. The mistakes have turned into a car crash of a final third of the season - the business third
I don't think it's a huge overraction. It isn't isolated results, it's full blown capitulation, the very stereotype of bottling the title come true in the most pathetic way... dying with a whimper and without a fight. 8 points out of a possible 18 in our March/April fixtures (the "run-in"), an overreaction would be if we'd won most of those fixtures and lost today.

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