Are you a footie fan,or just a City fan ??

I think one of the common signs that you're more than just a supporter of a certain club is that your heart rate increases when a match goes to a penalty shootout regardless of who's playing, what level it is, or what's at stake.
I'm a football fan, with City being my first love.

It doesn't matter where I am, at Wembley or walking my dog in the park. If a game is going on, I'll watch it.

It has to be a live match, though. I'm more interested watching a game in the park than on TV, no matter who is on the telly, apart from City, of course.

A ball and a few jumpers as goal posts is all you need.

It's just so simple, like me I suppose!
Thinking about all things City dominates an unhealthy percentage of my waking (and sometimes sleeping) hours and yet when Spuds were on the box against Southampton recently, I preferred to watch the England v South Africa 20/20. That answers the question for me.

The poster who said most televised football is crap is comparison to watching City made a very valid point, something I hadn't really considered.
For me I'm just a City fan. I do watch other games occasionally however the team I would like to see win only ever depends upon what would be most advantageous for City. In fact I sometimes take this to extremes. I now want United to have a good end to the season and qualify for the Europa League as this will harm them in the league next year. I was gutted when Liverpool missed out on Europe last year because I knew that they would avoid any fixture congestion. I was gutted when Chelsea won the champions League because I knew they would be able to attract the best players.

So in essence I only care about City.

I was told that this was disgusting by someone one day - that I wasn't a proper fan. Funny that I said - I had a season ticket for 30 years, been to 50 of the 92 league ground yet you are going to tell me how to be a proper fan.
oakiecokie said:
Dominoes last night was heaving with Scousers so I expected some piss taking from them,but the banter then turned into a shouting match between myself and a Dipper Fan.
Give him his due,he`s 60 years of age,so still a slip of a lad compaired to me,but he has travelled all over the world to watch his team and for that I will always give him some praise.
However,during the "discussion" of the match and the penalty claims,Suarez,blah,blah,blah,this Scouser then said to me "Oakie,why try and have a debate about football with me,when I am a Liverpool fan only and couldn`t give a shit about anything not connected to LFC"
So being polite I pointed out that when watching City I prefer to watch both teams,irrespective of who they are,which angered him even more when I stated that he had just broken the myth regarding Liverpools claim that their supporters were nothing like the medias perception that they were very football knowledgeable.
So the question to you is,are you a genuine football fan or just a City fan,who has no interest in anything outside of our Club ?

Wasting your time mate arguing with Liverpool fans is like trying to win an argument with your other half. They do not argue using reason but just to be heard and be considered right. I mean one told me today that "karma" won them the game because they are due some luck after all the tragedy they have endured. Now how the hell do I counter that with factual information? How do you argue against karma or the 96 looking over them? I am starting to feel manipulated and feel that refs maybe too but regarding your question. I love football I watch games but last night I watched a documentary rather than watch the Arsenal game however I will NEVER MISS A CITY game.

If I can make it I attend, if its on TV I watch it if its on radio I am hear it. I love City more than England or whatever other loyalties I should have. Id rather win the PL and the CL than the WC call me selfish but that is my honest feeling. Tonight I will watch Barca and Madrid but only after watching City, so I am a football fan but I am in love with Manchester City.
Footie fan, I'll watch just about anything if one of the teams involved plays decent football. I don't watch too much premier league as most of the teams play football I don't really enjoy watching, but there are probably about 5 teams in the league I'd watch if it was on.

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