Are you a polite driver

Driving eh - those of us middle class enough to own a car will know the day to day politeness of our fellow drivers really varies.

So my question: Do you thank someone for thanking you if you let them through if a car is blocking you after you’ve waited until the other car has passed?

When people don’t thank me it really builds up some extreme form of rage inside me that I probably should see a therapist about. My wife said it shouldn’t bother me but every time I don’t get thanked it ruins my next 20 minutes in the car at least.
Ahhhh the sarcastic thumbs up followed by you're welcome shouted out of the window is a constant in my life.

The only thing that annoys me more are the queue dawdlers. No matter how long we have been sat there, no matter how quick we can all see the lights go off green they must wait an eternity.

Yes please put it in gear in your own time and and trundle off you utter fucking half wit.
Ahhhh the sarcastic thumbs up followed by you're welcome shouted out of the window is a constant in my life.

The only thing that annoys me more are the queue dawdlers. No matter how long we have been sat there, no matter how quick we can all see the lights go off green they must wait an eternity.

Yes please put it in gear in your own time and and trundle off you utter fucking half wit.
A lot of the dawdlers don’t notice the light has turned green as they are too busy looking at the latest social media update on their mobile phone.
Too many ignorant fuckers on the Rd now. Probably the influx of foreigners. They don't thank u in a general day to day scenario so they ain't going to do it over here.
I always give way to pedestrians having difficulty crossing the road, the worry being, I could be signing their death warrant by the ignorant impatient cnuts who decides to overtake. Sound's like we have a fair share of the same on bluemoon.
Here the worst by far are Asians, especially driving an SUV (4x4). Many come up to our rural area to take their driving test, but spend their time driving in a big city.

When I've visited the UK, rural areas, the worst are women driving either an SUV of some sort, Audi, Merc or BMW.

Meeting them on a single lane country road, they are either ignorant drivers.........or don't have a clue how to reverse. If they have a pull in/gateway option closer than I do, then I am more than happy to sit it out until they concede. Watching them afterwards, I think reversing is the makes painful, but amusing viewing.
Yes I do.

However, I maintain it’s better to be predictable on the road, rather than polite.

If other drivers can predict your behaviour, then you are much less likely to crash
Nothing worse than a numpty who stops unexpectedly to let someone out/across. They think they are being courteous, but they are just dangerous. They no doubt don't notice the car behind that nearly rear ended them. Then the driver they were letting out/across hesitates because they weren't expecting it and aren't sure what's happening, So they both set off again at the same time, and in the end everyone is delayed. If it's your right of way and traffic is not stopped ahead, please just take your right of way.
Too many over polite drivers on the road. Giving way to others when highway code dictates a different right of way. Flashing lights to encourage a manoeuvre by an oncoming vehicle without realising that they are beckoning them into danger. Encouraging pedestrians to walk at pedestrian lights when traffic is crawling along despite pedestrian light not on "Walk". I won't go on you could add your own.

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