Are you going to cheer Dunne?

bluetoo said:
blue_bird said:
If only being bothered about our current squad is arrogant and childish then so be it. The minute Dunne left - whether it was his own doing or not - he was no longer my concern. I support Manchester City nobody else.

Even more arrogant and childish..I'd just stop now if I were you

Oh would you? Good job you're not me then isn't it?

I will neither boo nor cheer Dunne tomorrow. Dunne is Villa now and this is about him and HIS team versus OURS. Why should we concern ourselves with him or how he sees or feels about City? Do you seriously think he's bothered about us or would want us to finish above Villa? Would he balls therefore we should forget about him. Nothing childish or arrogant about it, Ive just got my priorities right.
Dunne's done little wrong in my eyes , and i suspect he would still be here if we'd really wanted to keep him .......

i'm just hopin' that he doesn't have one of those 'unpassable' days that we know he's more than capable of tomorrow!
deJong_Ones said:
i like to think we have a bit of class and show Dunne the respect he deserves. When his name is read out i will be standing up and applauding him, and i'd like to think that every other person in the ground will do the same

but as soon as the whistle goes he's part of the opposition: no boos though

Exactly, nothing wrong with remembering what he's done for us, my support will be fully behind City and City only for the duration of the game though.
i will clap him for the effort he made for us over the years but when the game is on i will try and put him off as much as i can. this is the biggest week i have known at eastlands.
Dave Ewing's Back 'eader said:
I expect that they will read the Villa team out first and we will have to set the standard. I shall applaud and wait to see if the Villa faithful respond to Bazzer in a similar fashion.

They won't though, they'll give him hell like they did at Villa Park. We need to stand by him - that's if he's playing.
hope bazzer dont play, he had an absolute shocker against villa at villa park!!
DaveH said:
I'll give him the respect he deserves as he was a great servent to our club. But as soon as the whistle goes thats when it ends. (However I WOULD NEVER BOO AN EX PLAYER That has given as much to City as Dunne did)

^^ this

I'd have no problem giving Richard the recognition he deserves, and as long as we win on Saturday what's the problem? - and who cares?

he was always a class player and handled himself (almost all the time - eheh) with class; it didn't surprise me he was honoured by his fellow professionals this year.

even if we sold Robinho - which might be on the cards, and he came back to City with another team I hardly think I'd bother to boo him; he'd not be worth it.

referees are more likely to incur my ire and have me vocalising my displeasure, but it's my sister who really dishes it out and the strength of vitriole she can spew at the team (and the opposition) is in stark juxtaposition to her diminutive size, LOL
dunne is a good pro & will being doing his upmost to beat my beloved blues tomorrow, during the game he wont spare a thought for city so he will get no encouragement from me .

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