Arsenal (A) - Wed 15th Feb, 19:30 | Pre-Match Thread

Match Result Prediction

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Lewis Dias Laporte Ake


KDB Gundo

Mahrez Haaland Grealish

We need Ake to go up against Saka in this one so if we lose fluidity in the build-up on the left side then Rico has to provide it on the right ahead of Walker (Whose passing was brutal yesterday)
Rico in for Walker ? Disaster waiting to happen
Actually, Pep wasn’t having a dig at Gerrard per se. He was using the matter to stress how we get blamed for everything - sarcastically suggesting that surely we were responsible for Gerard’s slip as well as everything else. But the irony has been lost & he is clarifying that he was not trying to belittle Gerrard.
This point will be lost in the gleeful reporting!!
Bang on & the media narrative will be all about pep backing down, saying sorry, and saying sorry for everything. Click bait: making shit journalists even shitter.

I love Pep’s sardonic approach, but it sometimes gets lost in translation, sometimes genuinely lost, but generally intentionally lost by the talented sports hacks of the U.K.
I might get some stick for this on here but I couldn't give a shit.

Anyway, I'm actually glad Pep apologised for the comments he made about the Gerrard slip. His comments seemed to be more of a dig at Gerrard than it was to anybody else. Although we all knew what Pep was trying to refer to with his comments. As much as I don't like Slippy it did seem to be a dig at him when in reality this all boils down to much more than that and Gerrard got the brunt of it.

Pep showed balls coming out to apologise for his comments, He will admit when he's wrong. Look at his press conference at pre Aston Villa, Not a single apology was made by Pep after what he had said and rightly so! But on this occasion he has and fair play to him.
I'm not sure why he apologised tbh, if I remember correctly when he made the comment didn't he say he wanted gerrard to win in out of respect for him? Suppose the reporting would of missed that bit out though lol.
Just for any fans that are going tomorrow, the Drayton arms is apparently closed and there are no other pubs in the local area that are keen on taking away fans.
The last thing Arsenal will want tomorrow is Erling running in behind. Need to utilise him like we did the derby. They was fucking shit scared of him.
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