Arsenal v City Pre Match Discussion Thread

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bluevengence said:
Need to keep the crowd quiet first 20 mins,this is their cup final game and
they will be screaming about like pre-pubecent girls at a JLS concert

3-1 City

lol, and you call us arrogant and deluded. Yes, you are league champions, but that hardly makes a City game our Cup Final.

There are bigger games for us. The North London derby is the biggest. Then United. Chelsea is third. City has probably replaced Liverpool and West Ham as next in line, but ''Cup Final'' is really pushing it.

I reckon draw or low scoring win for either side. While the MCFC V AFC matches at the Etihad have all been good spectacles in recent years, the AFC v MCFC ones have been dire defensive affairs.1-0 and 2 lots of 0-0 were the last three matches.

We struggle to create anything,so if Mancini parks the bus again we won't score. I'm actually hoping United win today. With a 10 point gap City will have to go for the win which should suit Arsenal better than a defensive City.

Head says 1-0 City and Heart says 1 - 0 to the Arsenal.
matty barton said:
bluevengence said:
Need to keep the crowd quiet first 20 mins,this is their cup final game and
they will be screaming about like pre-pubecent girls at a JLS concert

3-1 City

lol, and you call us arrogant and deluded. Yes, you are league champions, but that hardly makes a City game our Cup Final.

There are bigger games for us. The North London derby is the biggest. Then United. Chelsea is third. City has probably replaced Liverpool and West Ham as next in line, but ''Cup Final'' is really pushing it.

I reckon draw or low scoring win for either side. While the MCFC V AFC matches at the Etihad have all been good spectacles in recent years, the AFC v MCFC ones have been dire defensive affairs.1-0 and 2 lots of 0-0 were the last three matches.

We struggle to create anything,so if Mancini parks the bus again we won't score. I'm actually hoping United win today. With a 10 point gap City will have to go for the win which should suit Arsenal better than a defensive City.

Head says 1-0 City and Heart says 1 - 0 to the Arsenal.

Well £62 per ticket says we are pretty important to you.
80s Shorts said:
matty barton said:
bluevengence said:
Need to keep the crowd quiet first 20 mins,this is their cup final game and
they will be screaming about like pre-pubecent girls at a JLS concert

3-1 City

lol, and you call us arrogant and deluded. Yes, you are league champions, but that hardly makes a City game our Cup Final.

There are bigger games for us. The North London derby is the biggest. Then United. Chelsea is third. City has probably replaced Liverpool and West Ham as next in line, but ''Cup Final'' is really pushing it.

I reckon draw or low scoring win for either side. While the MCFC V AFC matches at the Etihad have all been good spectacles in recent years, the AFC v MCFC ones have been dire defensive affairs.1-0 and 2 lots of 0-0 were the last three matches.

We struggle to create anything,so if Mancini parks the bus again we won't score. I'm actually hoping United win today. With a 10 point gap City will have to go for the win which should suit Arsenal better than a defensive City.

Head says 1-0 City and Heart says 1 - 0 to the Arsenal.

Well £62 per ticket says we are pretty important to you.

yes, but its not like you are the only club paying that amount to visit us. So do the others in that list. Yes, of course its a bigger game than Reading or Wigan. I didn't suggest otherwise. Yes, its silly money for the cheapest ticket in the house.
All I've been hearing all week is City could be 10 points behind on Sunday.

Bollox to the media we can also be 4 behind.

I fancy us to go Dzeko alone with Tevez dropping deep and a sneeky 3-1 we may also get an away pen (certainly due one).

If we can stop the gap growing while Yaya is away we'll charge past the rags to the finishline.
matty barton said:
bluevengence said:
Need to keep the crowd quiet first 20 mins,this is their cup final game and
they will be screaming about like pre-pubecent girls at a JLS concert

3-1 City

lol, and you call us arrogant and deluded. Yes, you are league champions, but that hardly makes a City game our Cup Final.

There are bigger games for us. The North London derby is the biggest. Then United. Chelsea is third. City has probably replaced Liverpool and West Ham as next in line, but ''Cup Final'' is really pushing it.

I reckon draw or low scoring win for either side. While the MCFC V AFC matches at the Etihad have all been good spectacles in recent years, the AFC v MCFC ones have been dire defensive affairs.1-0 and 2 lots of 0-0 were the last three matches.

We struggle to create anything,so if Mancini parks the bus again we won't score. I'm actually hoping United win today. With a 10 point gap City will have to go for the win which should suit Arsenal better than a defensive City.

Head says 1-0 City and Heart says 1 - 0 to the Arsenal.
Nothing to do with us winning the league, ever since the takeover and then Adebayor and Nasri signings there has been an irrational hatred from a lot of Arsenal fans
matty barton said:
bluevengence said:
Need to keep the crowd quiet first 20 mins,this is their cup final game and
they will be screaming about like pre-pubecent girls at a JLS concert

3-1 City

lol, and you call us arrogant and deluded. Yes, you are league champions, but that hardly makes a City game our Cup Final.

There are bigger games for us. The North London derby is the biggest. Then United. Chelsea is third. City has probably replaced Liverpool and West Ham as next in line, but ''Cup Final'' is really pushing it.

I reckon draw or low scoring win for either side. While the MCFC V AFC matches at the Etihad have all been good spectacles in recent years, the AFC v MCFC ones have been dire defensive affairs.1-0 and 2 lots of 0-0 were the last three matches.

We struggle to create anything,so if Mancini parks the bus again we won't score. I'm actually hoping United win today. With a 10 point gap City will have to go for the win which should suit Arsenal better than a defensive City.

Head says 1-0 City and Heart says 1 - 0 to the Arsenal.

Like you lot were saying the cup game last season was the loudest the Emarites
had been for a while....the hysteria when Nasri touched the ball
pre-pubescent girls screaming at a JLS concert
bluevengence said:
matty barton said:
bluevengence said:
Need to keep the crowd quiet first 20 mins,this is their cup final game and
they will be screaming about like pre-pubecent girls at a JLS concert

3-1 City

lol, and you call us arrogant and deluded. Yes, you are league champions, but that hardly makes a City game our Cup Final.

There are bigger games for us. The North London derby is the biggest. Then United. Chelsea is third. City has probably replaced Liverpool and West Ham as next in line, but ''Cup Final'' is really pushing it.

I reckon draw or low scoring win for either side. While the MCFC V AFC matches at the Etihad have all been good spectacles in recent years, the AFC v MCFC ones have been dire defensive affairs.1-0 and 2 lots of 0-0 were the last three matches.

We struggle to create anything,so if Mancini parks the bus again we won't score. I'm actually hoping United win today. With a 10 point gap City will have to go for the win which should suit Arsenal better than a defensive City.

Head says 1-0 City and Heart says 1 - 0 to the Arsenal.

Like you lot were saying the cup game last season was the loudest the Emaites
had been for a while....the hysteria when Nasri touch the ball
pre-pubescent girls screaming at a JLS concert

the way they call nasri a mercenary was hilarious, left to join a better team that won the league, if he had stayed at arsenal, would he ever get a premier league winners medal?
Paulmcfc2703 said:
matty barton said:
bluevengence said:
Need to keep the crowd quiet first 20 mins,this is their cup final game and
they will be screaming about like pre-pubecent girls at a JLS concert

3-1 City

lol, and you call us arrogant and deluded. Yes, you are league champions, but that hardly makes a City game our Cup Final.

There are bigger games for us. The North London derby is the biggest. Then United. Chelsea is third. City has probably replaced Liverpool and West Ham as next in line, but ''Cup Final'' is really pushing it.

I reckon draw or low scoring win for either side. While the MCFC V AFC matches at the Etihad have all been good spectacles in recent years, the AFC v MCFC ones have been dire defensive affairs.1-0 and 2 lots of 0-0 were the last three matches.

We struggle to create anything,so if Mancini parks the bus again we won't score. I'm actually hoping United win today. With a 10 point gap City will have to go for the win which should suit Arsenal better than a defensive City.

Head says 1-0 City and Heart says 1 - 0 to the Arsenal.
Nothing to do with us winning the league, ever since the takeover and then Adebayor and Nasri signings there has been an irrational hatred from a lot of Arsenal fans

With the elephant washer gone and Nasri unavailable there won't be any hate figures to fuel the atmosphere, which is a shame. Our home support is shit at the best of times.You only get guaranteed noise twice a year for Spurs and United. Apart from that our crowd only shows signs of life if

a) we play fantastically well (which is rarely these days)
b) there is a controversial refereeing decision against us. Embarrassed to say it, but we are like scousers or Stoke on that front.
c) Cole,Adeayor or Nasri are on the pitch

Last year was a bit livelier than usual because Balotelli acted like a tit, Nasri was there and the late winner. I hope I'm wrong, but I reckon it will be morgue-like, not helped by the small away contingent.<br /><br />-- Sun Jan 13, 2013 12:31 pm --<br /><br />
bluevengence said:
matty barton said:
bluevengence said:
Need to keep the crowd quiet first 20 mins,this is their cup final game and
they will be screaming about like pre-pubecent girls at a JLS concert

3-1 City

lol, and you call us arrogant and deluded. Yes, you are league champions, but that hardly makes a City game our Cup Final.

There are bigger games for us. The North London derby is the biggest. Then United. Chelsea is third. City has probably replaced Liverpool and West Ham as next in line, but ''Cup Final'' is really pushing it.

I reckon draw or low scoring win for either side. While the MCFC V AFC matches at the Etihad have all been good spectacles in recent years, the AFC v MCFC ones have been dire defensive affairs.1-0 and 2 lots of 0-0 were the last three matches.

We struggle to create anything,so if Mancini parks the bus again we won't score. I'm actually hoping United win today. With a 10 point gap City will have to go for the win which should suit Arsenal better than a defensive City.

Head says 1-0 City and Heart says 1 - 0 to the Arsenal.

Like you lot were saying the cup game last season was the loudest the Emarites
had been for a while....the hysteria when Nasri touched the ball
pre-pubescent girls screaming at a JLS concert

well, the League Cup home matches are exactly that. Thousands of pre-pubescent kids who can get in because of the reduced admission prices. I take my kids to them. Even though the atmosphere is a bit schoolboy international, I prefer it to most league games where you are surrounded by whining season ticket holders and corporates.
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