Arsenal Vs City In Game Discussion Thread

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If Mancini can't and doesn't change things around and get us playing better next half, and we end up losing the title at the end of the season then I wouldn't shed a tear if he gets the sack which in a way I hope he does.

I've supported him ever since the start, but he's afraid to make big decisions. Mourinho for example will make a sub after a few minutes if he sees theres an issue. Mancini on the other hand waits and waits and will make it too late around 80th minute mark when the game is usually lost.

What's the point in bringing Tevez back if he's not going to play, surely is fit enough now. What's the point in bringing Pizarro if he isn't going to play considering he's probably the best passer in the team besides Silva.

The way Yaya started off by getting a stupid yellow card, the way that Balotelli GIVES referees an excuse to send him off or doesn't bother pressing, the way we sit deep and allow Arsenal to play around the edge of our box. These are stupid things that should have been sorted out along time ago, how many times to we need to lose, concede or drop points before Mancini and the team start learning from them.

It's not enough to just say that we're going to win or that we need 90 points or that shit and expect to get it which is what we look like. We actually need to go out their and achieve it.
Arse fans

Serial booers...are there any teams fans out there can boo louder or for longer? Looking at the crowd some of them are easily over 13yrs old, we bought some players from them so they could pay their stadium debt ,surely they will realise we did them a favour?
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