Arses in 116

mcfcryan said:
I was in 116 last season and the guy I was next too was a right 'one' drugs and alsorts in his possesion, got sick of him offering me, so this season I've moved to 111.

First impression, much happier. Never looked forward to the fella's arrival and his mates who seemingly took up 3 seats with 6 people. Crush.

wondered where you had gone,ungrateful sod.
CTID1974 said:
I think you've missed my point mate. I wasnt there, and have never seen these people. My mate who was there on his own. Sitting at the bottom of 116 near away fans. He relocated from the north stand to south stand this year. He was spoken rudely to, and he claims they were acting like complete dickheads, barely even watching the game at all. They looked to Be in their early twenties and he is 16. My mate attends games home and away travelling from Edinburgh so if they thought he was a new face and gloryhunter they would be wrong, like it should matter anyway.

If they were behind him how did he know they were barely watching the game at all ?
sounds more and more like bollocks to me this,

get your mate on[/quote]

Oh jeez, by talking behind his back I meant they were talking amongst themselves about my mate, he heard them, not physically behind his back.
Tell your mate that I'll swap seats with him.

New bloke next to me wanted to talk all sorts of pissed up shit to me against Swansea.

I could do with some miserable bastards who will spend all game silently glaring at me whilst I occasionally glare back and we don't say a word to each other all season, all the while knowing that we think each other to be c***s and there being undertones of violence.

Much more my cup of tea compared to having to humour a garrulous pisspot.

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