Artificial Intelligence

Yes. You make it learn to get a desired result. It doesn’t learn by its self. It’s not going to just magically decide to do something totally out of its remit.

It’s a tool to get the best result for a task. If you create one to get the fastest car route around an F1 track it’s not going to design a new engine etc etc. it works out optimal steering / acceleration/ breaking etc etc
You need to learn the difference of AI and AGI.
You need to learn the difference of AI and AGI.
I’m aware of the difference but all in all I’m just aware we are no where near to some AI Armageddon.

Massive upheaval in an Industrial Revolution kinda way Yep. Threat to humanity. No.

Ai in the “terminator” threat to humanity Armageddon sense is a million miles off.
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1. Thats arguing against a letter signed by hundreds of AI researchers saying it will kill us all.

2. It's talking about LLMs and not AGI.

3. It doesn't address any arguments, it's whole point is "nuh huh".

Read articles passed the headline.
hardly, just not sure i'll jump on bored that humanity is all going to be wiped out pretty soon because of AI.
maybe that's my ignorance.
'Pretty soon'. So it is a matter of timing, as opposed to likelihood?
1. Thats arguing against a letter signed by hundreds of AI researchers saying it will kill us all.

2. It's talking about LLMs and not AGI.

3. It doesn't address any arguments, it's whole point is "nuh huh".

Read articles passed the headline.

If you build a bunker for the end of the world I promise to tell you when it's safe to come out.
It really really is. I’m not only studying it, I’m currently working on it in a day to day basis. Chat bots with LLM’s and natural language processing etc. 99.99% of what is known as “AI” isn’t intelligent at all.

Even neural networks are just a set of rules you pass over millions of times trying to get to a result the best way possible. Again not intelligent. Just path finding in the highest view really.

There maybe some working on trying to create intelligence but we are a million miles from it.

You are not the first 'in the field' to claim this, I know quite a few who are working with it thay say the same, i.e that it is effectively 'highly advanced programming' as opposed to 'true' artificial intelligence. At least the parts of it that the wider public is exposed to and we thinknwe are experiencing.

They are all balanced and switched on folk, neither conspiracists nor deniers, and seem to know their own area well.

That is not saying AI isn't there to the capacity the articles etc suggest, and it isn't already at an advanced stage. Just that the wider public isn't really that exposed to it just yet.
So you basically make it learn right? see where I'm going with this

This is not my field, and I don't know enough to claim one way or the other. But what I think he is saying, as I read it and what I have heard others that have worked with AI and programming for years is, that so far what we have seen isn't actually 'learning'. Or 'deciding'. It is just performing what it is already programmed to do. Which happens to be far broader and more advanced than anything we have seen yet, and is damn impressive regardless. But is still effectively 'limited' by its own programming rather than by its capacity to learn. At least what we as the public have seen of it.

That is just my layman's understanding of what some people that are involved in it are claiming, no idea how true or not. But with some of them, I have zero reason not to believe them.

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