As we get ready to go to the semi final...

Got a couple of Liverpool mates who were at that game and got separated from their brother but thankfully they found him an hour or two later alive and well so they were two of the lucky ones but even talking to them about it now you can see how much that day still hurts it must have been hell for those involved.

RIP 96.
Didsbury Dave said:
As others said, we just sat in total silence at the way back home in the car listening to the enormity of it all unfurl on the radio.
couldn't believe what i was hearing on the way home, found it strange at half time when they didn't give out the half time score

my best friend's gf was at hillsboro whilst he was at villa park
couldn't get hold of him to find out what was going on, days before mobiles

i was off on the monday and sat glued to the tv all day
terrible, terrible day. remember watching as the death toll rose and rose.
hearing the media 'blame' it all on hooligans not the incompetant, useless south yorkshire police.
god bless the victims and their families.
justice for the 96.
R.I.P to all 96 who lost there lives.
the memorial outside Anfield on Monday had a blue and white wreath great respect to such a horrible and tragic event.
Good call halfpenny. I too was at Blackburn that day and had it on my radio during the game. The enormity struck straight away cause I remembered Ibrox in 71, Heysal and Bradford. Once the word crush was used you just knew it was going to be awful. A depressing day that just got worse the more you listened to it. City's abysmal perfromance paled into insignificance. Raised money at college over next two weeks ( with help form a Crewe Alex supporter) and gave it over at Anfield. A great show of unity by many football fans over those weeks. Well done to all those at Anfield on Monday night. Wish I could have been there but I'm starting to get priced out of matches now especially as I'm not working at the mo.
I was too young to understand what went on at the time though I've found what happened upsetting. A football fan should always be able to make the return trip home alive.

I've got a friend that was there and has only been to one game since and that was in a corporate box. It's safe to say he is still scarred by these events all these years later.

RIP the 96.
As a Liverpool fan who was in the Leppings Lane end that day, the day of the anniversary is always difficult.

It is touching to see that there are people that can put aside our rivalries and remember the victims of what could, by the luck of the draw / results, have been fans any of the clubs in England.

Good luck tomorrow against the Rags and may you all return home safely to your loved ones.

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