asault by grown men on kids waiting for a bus in ashton....

pominoz said:
Bigga said:
SWP's back said:
Exactly as as you said, if it was white gangs targeting Muslim girls I would call it as such, as would you, as would Bigga in that instance. You've more chance of growing a 3rd cock than get him admitting anything that resembles racism towards a non-minority on here. He is worse than the EDL, just on the other side of the fence.

Of course, that's true, you cock womble.

having been the victim of racism for numerous years when growing up, it didn't stop me marrying into the majority and having children. You're stupidly adamant that I am saying race was not an angle, when I didn't say that at all, but you won't absorb that fact.

But that'll be cos I'm Mr Lower-than-a-snake's-belly to you. You might have an edge in terms of the financial world, but not in any other way. I don't actually give two shiny fooks what you think about me on a personal level.

You have your opinion and I have mine and talk TO me, not about me, you desperate narcissistic manchild.

Boofuckinghoo, i was given shit for years for being from the poorest family in school (not my choice) but dealt with it (most of the shit i got was from black lads), build a bridge and get the fuck over it.
Being black does not give you the high moral ground on everything and anything.

This explains a great deal to me about your personality and attitude towards certain people. Bigga and myself your always seem to bump heads with. I wonder what Bigga and I have in common?
didactic said:
pominoz said:
Bigga said:
Of course, that's true, you cock womble.

having been the victim of racism for numerous years when growing up, it didn't stop me marrying into the majority and having children. You're stupidly adamant that I am saying race was not an angle, when I didn't say that at all, but you won't absorb that fact.

But that'll be cos I'm Mr Lower-than-a-snake's-belly to you. You might have an edge in terms of the financial world, but not in any other way. I don't actually give two shiny fooks what you think about me on a personal level.

You have your opinion and I have mine and talk TO me, not about me, you desperate narcissistic manchild.

Boofuckinghoo, i was given shit for years for being from the poorest family in school (not my choice) but dealt with it (most of the shit i got was from black lads), build a bridge and get the fuck over it.
Being black does not give you the high moral ground on everything and anything.

This explains a great deal to me about your personality and attitude towards certain people. Bigga and myself your always seem to bump heads with. I wonder what Bigga and I have in common?
Oh you didn't

dan.j.mcfc said:
The main issue here isn't "Asians" or even race for that matter, its religion and its evil teachings, the religion in question here being Islam. I'm not singling out Islam to be the only culprit btw.

Is that so then why is it under Islamic law it calls for the killing of these rapists and any rapist? Anyone who harms or corrupts a child under Islam must be put to death too. So how exactly is religion contributing to people being rapists?

"[Al-Qur’an 24:30]Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty: that will make for greater purity for them: and Allah is well acquainted with all that they do."
didactic said:
dan.j.mcfc said:
The main issue here isn't "Asians" or even race for that matter, its religion and its evil teachings, the religion in question here being Islam. I'm not singling out Islam to be the only culprit btw.

Is that so then why is it under Islamic law it calls for the killing of these rapists and any rapist? Anyone who harms or corrupts a child under Islam must be put to death too. So how exactly is religion contributing to people being rapists?

"[Al-Qur’an 24:30]Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty: that will make for greater purity for them: and Allah is well acquainted with all that they do."

Quoting scriptures as proof makes it alright now doesn't it?

dazdon said:
didactic said:
dan.j.mcfc said:
The main issue here isn't "Asians" or even race for that matter, its religion and its evil teachings, the religion in question here being Islam. I'm not singling out Islam to be the only culprit btw.

Is that so then why is it under Islamic law it calls for the killing of these rapists and any rapist? Anyone who harms or corrupts a child under Islam must be put to death too. So how exactly is religion contributing to people being rapists?

"[Al-Qur’an 24:30]Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty: that will make for greater purity for them: and Allah is well acquainted with all that they do."

Quoting scriptures as proof makes it alright now doesn't it?

Anyone who corrupts a child? Like Mohammed's 9 year old first wife then?
dazdon said:
didactic said:
dan.j.mcfc said:
The main issue here isn't "Asians" or even race for that matter, its religion and its evil teachings, the religion in question here being Islam. I'm not singling out Islam to be the only culprit btw.

Is that so then why is it under Islamic law it calls for the killing of these rapists and any rapist? Anyone who harms or corrupts a child under Islam must be put to death too. So how exactly is religion contributing to people being rapists?

"[Al-Qur’an 24:30]Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty: that will make for greater purity for them: and Allah is well acquainted with all that they do."

Quoting scriptures as proof makes it alright now doesn't it?


If you make a claim that their religion causes them to rape and excuses these actions and I prove BY QOUTING SCRIPTURES they do not, what is wrong with that? This "blame religion for everything" rubbish only works with those not well versed in religion.

On rapist and how they should be treated the Quran says

"Surah Al Maida (Chapter 5) verse: 33
The only reward of those who make war upon Allah and His messenger and strive after corruption in the land will be that they will be killed or crucified, or have their hands and feet on alternate sides cut off, or will be expelled out of the land. Such will be their degradation in the world, and in the Hereafter theirs will be an awful doom."

So I ask again how exactly is Islam causing these guys to groom children when the religion says they should be killed for it?
didactic said:
pominoz said:
Bigga said:
Of course, that's true, you cock womble.

having been the victim of racism for numerous years when growing up, it didn't stop me marrying into the majority and having children. You're stupidly adamant that I am saying race was not an angle, when I didn't say that at all, but you won't absorb that fact.

But that'll be cos I'm Mr Lower-than-a-snake's-belly to you. You might have an edge in terms of the financial world, but not in any other way. I don't actually give two shiny fooks what you think about me on a personal level.

You have your opinion and I have mine and talk TO me, not about me, you desperate narcissistic manchild.

Boofuckinghoo, i was given shit for years for being from the poorest family in school (not my choice) but dealt with it (most of the shit i got was from black lads), build a bridge and get the fuck over it.
Being black does not give you the high moral ground on everything and anything.

This explains a great deal to me about your personality and attitude towards certain people. Bigga and myself your always seem to bump heads with. I wonder what Bigga and I have in common?

So let me get this straight - anyone who has a disagreement with you and Bigga must be racist.
So by that logic I too am racist.
Well, you live and learn.
SWP's back said:
dazdon said:
didactic said:
Is that so then why is it under Islamic law it calls for the killing of these rapists and any rapist? Anyone who harms or corrupts a child under Islam must be put to death too. So how exactly is religion contributing to people being rapists?

"[Al-Qur’an 24:30]Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty: that will make for greater purity for them: and Allah is well acquainted with all that they do."

Quoting scriptures as proof makes it alright now doesn't it?

Anyone who corrupts a child? Like Mohammed's 9 year old first wife then?

This is often bought up in discussions because it has been majorly distorted. Yes he married a 9 year old but that is due to their system of arranged marriages. Same way now a girl can be paired off with a man at an early age (Indians do it) but she is not sharing his bed nor even living with him until she is of age. She is just told who her husband is and when older goes to live with him. It still happens today.

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