
I remember I got chatting to an international student when I was at Uni and the pressure this poor girls parents had put on her since birth was insane. They basically pushed her to be a Doctor since she fell out of her mother and every time she fell below their high standards they would go mental at her. They sent her packing on her own to study in a foreign country because that was their wish. I asked her if she even wanted to be a Doctor and she just said she had no say in it which I just found crazy. Yes she is probably now a Doctor earning decent money but she has had no childhood, had no friends and seemed to have had no fun in her entire life. Is that worth it? I don't think so.

Well said..

I'd take all the crazy moments, partying, all the usual shit teenagers/young adults get up to over a career I had been forced into and hated.

Money doesn't bring happiness. Sure it can help, will make the ride more comfortable but fuck it - where's the fun?

Great memories as a child roaming Arndale shoplifting in a gang of scrotes and so on. Childhood thrills :D
The asian students you see abroad are the cream of the crop, from a continent with billions of people on it. Of course they are better than the random english drunks who stagger into a sociology degree with 3 mid range A levels. The competition is so much fiercer and you will only see the very best.

It's also all very well saying "I'd rather party and piss about", but if you come from a country where most people are in poverty and only the very best get a good life, it's a bit different. If you are chinese and decide that you'd rather party than learn, you probably won't end up with the comfortable, happy life that you would if you did that here.
Remember reading somewhere that there is a high comparative suicide rate in places like South Korea because of the pressure put onto students by their parents, and the fear of failure. Like others have said there are economic benefits to the culture of hard work but also social issues as well. The right approach is to have a balanced life.
There is a downside to this though, individuality and social interaction is lacking, a lot of these kids miss out on a childhod, not sure it's worth it
Anyone see the Mcr evening news report on the female photographer from the 60's & 70s who snapped the way we lived in inner city mcr. I know it looks a shithole but us kid's were happy and content. My mrs 18yr old has never climbed a tree and cannot ride a push bike. My young fellas to the same lady might I add go on long journeys (as they call them) climb trees have shits in the woods and use dot leaves to clean their arses before wheeling home. 4yrs 2yrs. Playstations are banned.
There is a downside to this though, individuality and social interaction is lacking, a lot of these kids miss out on a childhod, not sure it's worth it
I have spent a lot of time working across Asia, I think there are a lot of mistakes and generalisations here.

1) I have found the different countries very very different and even within the countries different ethnic groups, different generations, different classes, differences between males and females. To generalise completely us no different to thinking a middle class left wing white male in Sydney is exactly the same as a fascist in the poorest suburbs of Moscow.

2) the focus on education of many immigrant groups who are recent immigrants, those I have nothing, shave the hunger and have no concept of something for nothing work very hard and push their kids to do so.

In Australia there is a very high % if non Anglo/Irish achievement but there are only her factors . % of white Anglo kids is very high at the expensive private schools in Sydney and Melbourne there is an Anglo obsession with private education. Overwhelmingly the state selective schools dominate academic achievement and there is a high % of Asian kids (Chinese (Shanghai and Cantonese) HK, Korean, Indian) . These schools achieve more but for many anglo's paying 25k a year to be with the right sons of solicitors and daughters of managing directors is more important than grades)

But visit suburban Bangkok, slums of Chennai, the millionaires rows of Singapore, the bars of ropingi, do business in Bali and Saigon or try and negotiate with the Japanese compared to Mumbai businessmen and you'll find there are so many nuances here.

Most MP's are middle class white males, what is the defining factor the middle class, middle aged part, the male part or the white part?

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