Aston Villa (A) | PL | Post Match Thread

This is desperately poor football we are watching at the moment.
No creativity.
No control.
No defence.
3 points ahead of the rags who are having a shocker.
From the first minute of this game there was only going to be one winner.
Back to the drawing board to try and figure out where the fuck we go from here because if this carries on, we can forget about top 4 because I can think of 5 teams who are better than us.
Comically bad.
Piss poor recruitment is to blame.
No plan B cos the plan B isn’t good enough.
That bench tonight tells you that.
There’s not enough quality throughout the squad to fight for places and drive each other on.
By the time Kev’s back the gap will be too big to claw back imo.
I don’t see the squad depth and quality to do what we’ve done other seasons.
showed up badly that we had 3 defenders playing central midfield, Stones, Lewis & Akanji
Just as they took all the flowers and plaudits in the summer, Peo and Txiki have to carry the can for this season
They fucked up big tine this summer, hollowing the midfield which has always been out greatest strength
Small squad, yes
Ludicrously small squad with two keepers and only two options on the bench, no
History tells you that most empires are brought down by internal decadence and complacency rather than external threats
Is that what we’re witnessing here?
Ps Lillo needs discussing as well
Pep has changed the shape to try and accomodate Alverez and Haaland, but it just doesnt work, both are exceptional players but we are giving them crumbs to work with.

Pick one and stick Foden in the hole behind them.
It does feel like it wouldn't hurt to get back to basics 4-3-3 for a bit. Everything is so narrow at the moment.
Poor performance and Villa played the game of their lives yet only won with a deflected goal.
A small squad and poor recruitment seemed to be costing us. I've always thought that the best way to play against us is to press high and run your bollocks off.
Even though Haaland missed a couple of defent chances and Villa's goal was a deflection, they were by far the better team and fully deserved to win.

We didn't look remotely like scoring a late equalizer, did we even create a single chance in the second half? Compare that to Arsenal and Liverpool who always look like scoring late goals.

I'm not that surprised we got outplayed when our midfield consisted of a central defender coming back from a long absence, a right-back who may or may not go on to be a good player and a striker. That's a massive drop off from the midfield that lead us to the treble (Rodri, Gundogan, De Bruyne) and it inevitably showed.

I think we also have to give credit to Villa. They have a top manager and have recruited very well. As Pep often says when he's criticised for not winning every single game, "the other teams are good too."

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