atmosphere - 12th man

if the away fans need the whole end, give them the North Stand.

Unthinkable for Utd or Liverpool to give away the Stretford End or Kop
Marvin said:
if the away fans need the whole end, give them the North Stand.

Unthinkable for Utd or Liverpool to give away the Stretford End or Kop
They'd never give an away team the North Stand. Plus us giving the away team the South stand is nothing like giving away the Kop or S.E cos we've never had 'an end' at this ground, we've always had two sections that sing, but imo sing in competition against each other rather than join together on the the same song
Goats left knee said:
are you all singing your hearts out?the commentators gave us some grief the other night, as if to say couldnt be arsed. I havent been to anything near as many games as usual this season unfortunately, but after enduring so much heartache and pain, why sit quiet now?? City fans can and should be the difference in claiming this title!! dont let the media pressure and nerves into the stands! COME ON CITY!!!!

The commentators can try getting up at 6am work a 9 hour shift then go straight from work to the game and see how lively and noisy they are... It's easy to critise when your job entails to turning up to a football game but when your a paying fan after a hards day at work they'll have to forgive us for not creating the atmosphere they want to witness every day..... God forbid if the had to go to The Swamp where every game is like a funeral..
bluesince1969 said:
Get to more games then, there is no excuse .

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plenty of excuses , mortgage,bills,kids,grandkids,shiftwork,overtime,possible redundancies , if i didnt have responsibilities i would go to every game home and away.
But in the real world ,i made the game on sunday , lost my voice for 24 hrs through shouting , but couldnt make liverpool game due to work commitments , sorry if this doesnt make me a "proper fan" .But i have been to over 750 matches since 1966 so just maybe i am entitled to bring a perspective to this thread
bluebannana said:
marios stress ball said:
Luc said:
Look nothing is going to change unless we actually get organised! Most clubs outside the UK do. Especially in eastern europe, probably a culture thing.

Nah it can be done here

just wondered seems as though your on a lot of the atmosphere threads like myself ever considered joining the blue alliance, I cant cos of work and not always being able to attend wbu ?

If I was 2 years older and could get smashed at away days I would... :/
Like that will ever happen with City Square and the ticket office/souvenir shop behind it!!!!
Marvin said:
if the away fans need the whole end, give them the North Stand.

Unthinkable for Utd or Liverpool to give away the Stretford End or Kop
Got this txt off a mate after the loss during the week..

Man City have been missing a few things recently. Ones a title, two's a Kompany, three's a crowd.

They just love rubbing it in.

Unfortunately during the recent years money is a little tighter and other things have become a priority, so I simply can't afford to go to as many matches as I did. Hopefully those who can afford to and are lucky enough to be able to go, will continue to go and sing as louldy as they have been all these years, no matter how badly things got.

They live in a fantasy world, we live in the real world, one day they'll join us. But unforunately, our world is just a little tougher than theirs at the moment. Hopefully things will improve and I'll get to more games. Would love to be able to be there when/if we lift the cup. Sadly unless circumstances change, I doubt I'll make it.
Enjoy for those who do. What an amazing time to be a City fan, just wish I could witness it more first hand.
I'd just like to point out to fans who can't afford to go, that is fine but were discussing atmosphere. We don't need a full house to help make a racket, just everybody that turns up to get behind the team.

I think the main difference between us and europe/ other english teams is that fans that sit down don't join in. People don't need to stand up and go wild to help get behind the team. I personally enjoy standing at football but if 15k out of the normal 40k sit downers at home games joined in with on going songs from their seats the atmosphere would be great.

Honestly, how hard is it to join in with Blue Moon whilst sat down focusing on the game?

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