Atmosphere - 2023/24

  • Thread starter Deleted member 77198
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I know a lot of younger fans who idolise "ultras" may disagree, but the choreographed bullshit you see from away fans in UCL games makes me cringe so hard. Whether it's the BS from last night, or having some dickhead with a megaphone telling everyone what to chant.

And yeah, the missile throwing needs to stop but security aren't willing to do shit about it.
In 114 saw one of them push a bobby in the face during the 1st half, shithouse did nothing and the lad was still there at full time. Can bet if that was one of our own we would’ve been escorted out for as much of an offensive gesture towards police, never mind laying hands on them.
Try doing that to the Spanish or Italian police. Your feet would not touch the ground, and your head would violently assault their batons on the way to the meat wagon.
I know a lot of younger fans who idolise "ultras" may disagree, but the choreographed bullshit you see from away fans in UCL games makes me cringe so hard. Whether it's the BS from last night, or having some dickhead with a megaphone telling everyone what to chant.

And yeah, the missile throwing needs to stop but security aren't willing to do shit about it.
Took 3 15 year old lads, one ukrainian and two British. The British lads (my boys) said it was awful and they hated it and the Ukrainian lad thought it was the best thing he's ever seen. That tells you everything.
Liverpool had one of the French teams a few weeks back and a number of their fans were walking around the streets giving it some. Many seem to play up when they come over here. I sense there’s lots of anti-Brit feeling these days.
Has anyone checked if the scousers are even British these days? I understand they're not English any more but have they clarified their stance on being Brits? Presumably, they are not British either which would negate the argument re French anti-Brit feeling. I just think it would be helpful to all concerned if the scousers could clarify the situation.
There's always been anti-English sentiment in Europe. They still look back at the hooliganism over here and want to come and intimidate. I didn't hear of any trouble from the Toulouse fans in Liverpool, but a big mob of them singing as they went through a shopping centre etc. Last night was a bit of a joke though. Why would we give a shit about a bunch of wankers from the most neutral country on earth. They should give their heads a wobble.
It was more scarves around their faces and aggressive swagger than a bit of singing. I had a red Adidas hoodie on (I’m Welsh so red is ok to me) and got a bit of a look from one as if it was Liverpool. I know Roma were certainly looking for trouble the one time. They’re idiots. Liverpool is a rough city.
Took my Ukrainian boy last night and he aboslutely loved their fans. Couldn't keep his eyes off them. "Why can't our fans be like that".etc

How do you explain to a 15 year old that if you took a thousand Mancs and told them that every single one of you bar none needs to arrive together like a marching band, wear three outfits, all at the same time, bounce up and down in sync, do little wiggles and bobs etc, that most would laugh and tell you to fuck off?

I mean, on the bottom two tiers, it was EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM who followed the routine. There wasn't one who didn't wear the clobbers and all that. They all had two outfits and two scarfs. What the actual fuck? I'd rather be a rugby fan than wear a fucking yellow bin bag and then twirl it round my head when ordered to during a game.

It's not very often these days but sometimes I am still proud to be English.
To be fair it did make for an impressive spectacle (for want of a better term).

I remember thinking it was amazing back when we first started qualifying for European games. But then you realise that EVERYONE does it. There’s no individuality.

We have something unique in England and our quiet atmospheres are much worse than ‘(insert any random european team with ultras here)’. But our good atmospheres are the best in the world.
To be fair it did make for an impressive spectacle (for want of a better term).

I remember thinking it was amazing back when we first started qualifying for European games. But then you realise that EVERYONE does it. There’s no individuality.

We have something unique in England and our quiet atmospheres are much worse than ‘(insert any random european team with ultras here)’. But our good atmospheres are the best in the world.
Yes, brilliant summary. I actually remember talking to a Bayern fan about our atmosphere. I'm sure you've been to german games when they are chanting and banging all game from the same end without stopping. I've never forgotten him saying "Incredible. It was a proper English atmosphere with noise in waves rolling up and down the stadium".

That's the uniqueness of what English crowds offer, interspersed with quite atmospheres for shit games. That's how it should be in my opnion. I was half bored last night, a bit of urging on at big moments and a cheer when we scored, and I think I did a couple of "Haalands" and a "Blue Moon". When we play Liverpool I'll be roaring every tackle, screaming them on every move. Surely that's the natural way? Horses for courses.
In 114 saw one of them push a bobby in the face during the 1st half, shithouse did nothing and the lad was still there at full time. Can bet if that was one of our own we would’ve been escorted out for as much of an offensive gesture towards police, never mind laying hands on them.
Don't forget the club statement and banning order!
Try doing that to the Spanish or Italian police. Your feet would not touch the ground, and your head would violently assault their batons on the way to the meat wagon.
I have friends who are Stoke fans. One went to Valencia with his dad when they got to the Europa League. The fans were ordered to be single file, his dad tripped and took a baton to the head. They know they can do whatever the fuck they want

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