Absolute tripe!
The reason why we have a soulless stadium is also because long term city fans have got bored of winning, they take it for granted, there is apathy that is plain to see. The vast majority of the people sat there apparently disinterested are not tourists, or day trippers, they are people who have been season card holders for decades, l see them with my own eyes week in week out, both near where I sit and also where my family sits when I've swapped seats with them.
It's an easy deflective tactic for fans and fans groups like 1894 to blame the club, blame the prices, blame the tourists. Yes, most definitely those situations need looking at and I'm thankful for 1894 for trying to open dialogue. However, simply blaming the current woeful atmosphere on everything but long term apathetic fans is unfair and will not fully resolve the problem.
If you want to bury your head in the sand and think we have the 'best fans in the land and all the world', you do that, but I simply do not recognise that anymore. Sadly, we have collectively become the spoilt brat fanbase that we so often slated the rags for when they were top dogs.