Attacked at Sevilla

It is ironic considering how much fucking money we pour into their economy with people booking holidays over there they have it in for us so much.

No chance when they come over here the police are right on top of it and they will be monitored and protected all the way.
Fookin hell bin sleep pissed and wake up to this now fone on fire, see how it goes tomorrow look like a bunch of shit houses really but on your guard blues
It is ironic considering how much fucking money we pour into their economy with people booking holidays over there they have it in for us so much.

No chance when they come over here the police are right on top of it and they will be monitored and protected all the way.

Sounds bad mate but there's a lot of hatred in Spain these days towards the Brits especially on the Costa del So, a lot of our free loaders who moved over there have made a mess of the place. Real racist, uneducated bastards are the Spanish on the whole; similar issues over there to in the U.K but their Police cover it up and protect their own.

I just hope our lads stay safe and get out of the shithole in one piece.
Few mates i know that are over there are saying it's being blown way out of proportion. Isolated incident that wasn't as bad as being suggested and they've seen no trouble all day before that. From the video it looks like a group of about 20 lads, we can't even be sure they're Sevilla fans, lets not tar the entire club with the same brush because of one incident.
These foreign fans think we're 80's hooligans when most City fans just want to get pissed up, sing some songs and have a laugh. Never been part of a firm but been in a few fights because of football. One thing about following City is even though no one goes looking for it when it comes there's enough lads who can still handle themselves.
Few mates i know that are over there are saying it's being blown way out of proportion. Isolated incident that wasn't as bad as being suggested and they've seen no trouble all day before that. From the video it looks like a group of about 20 lads, we can't even be sure they're Sevilla fans, lets not tar the entire club with the same brush because of one incident.

I said something similar to a Seville fan having a pop at me on the other thread.When i was in the navy and a few of us went to a local bar in a small port it happened sometimes then.Small boring town and it was like,''Oh look a group of young English blokes to have some fun with,let's attack them!'' the police if you fought back hammered you too way back then,it happened to a few of us in Livorno in Italy.
It's been massively blown out of proportion!

Well initial reports was that it seemed to be kicking off in a few locations and for the fans in that bar it can't have been pleasant. For the younger fans not used to this it must have seemed like Armageddon, but the older hands endured a lot worse almost every away game in the seventies and eighties.

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