Attacked at Sevilla

i am fan of Seville and want to say that this is an isolated fact about Sevilla against other ultras ultras who represents neither Sevilla or the city, do not put the Seville people and Sevilla fc in the same boat . Thank you, sorry
i am fan of Seville and want to say that this is an isolated fact about Sevilla against other ultras ultras who represents neither Sevilla or the city, do not put the Seville people and Sevilla fc in the same boat . Thank you, sorry
Good post.
i am fan of Seville and want to say that this is an isolated fact about Sevilla against other ultras ultras who represents neither Sevilla or the city, do not put the Seville people and Sevilla fc in the same boat . Thank you, sorry

Well said and Seville is a wonderful city....been there many times and have some great friends there.
alright mate cheers - its a friend of a friend. Mad as a box of frogs he is hence why he took the group on by himself.

Stay safe
i am fan of Seville and want to say that this is an isolated fact about Sevilla against other ultras ultras who represents neither Sevilla or the city, do not put the Seville people and Sevilla fc in the same boat . Thank you, sorry

Hi invincible, we understand this happens, some idiots attach themselves to a club as it provides a lot of opportunity for trouble. Every team also has idiot fans and i will not tar every fan with the same brush.
I am almost certain when they were on the rampage some poor local got in their way to and got a hammering for no reason besides he was taking the rubbish out at the wrong time. When idiots are out for hassle they will turn on almost anyone.

Let us hope the quality of the match makes up a little for the hassle :-)

Fortunately for us City fans are almost all in it for the football and a laugh with mates now, indeed i think the prem is very safe compared to say Italy, Poland, Russia, even Holland and France to an extent and most likely a few others. The lower leagues will still be a bit rough but you can't have it all and even then it is confined really to each groups fans who do fancy a bit mostly.
It does feel strange seeing people i grew up thinking were far more cultured and above petty clan based battling be the instigators now and English fans the ones sat with a nice beer or glass of vino. That is not directed at your lot specifically, in general terms i mean. Italian footy was proper bad and you still run the risk of getting stabbed up today.
radical holligans out of football, stop violence, tolerance zero for the ultras of the alls teams of world
We were in the bar trust me I wasn't fun coppers took a good 10 mins to arrive . Spoke to the landlord (nice Bloke ) and very embarrassed too) he said the meeting with the police they told Seville the issues in mcr nothing to do with city thus theyre is no issues for extra policing
I can't post pics however the paving slab on the bar and the chimney heater on the bar Floor of the bar via the window

An Australian couple in there 60s were first in line (not football fans) my wife (nurse) spent a good half an hour calming her down

I'm told since they had a pop at bar the opposite first as it has a smoking area,
Oneils is /was all inside not now no windows !

Apologies 4 bad spelling -grammar pissed up and off !!!!
Glad you are alright Maccblue, sorry you had to go through that espesh with your wife there. Fuck being livid, just be thankful your wife is safe mate and try enjoy the win that is coming our way.
i am fan of Seville and want to say that this is an isolated fact about Sevilla against other ultras ultras who represents neither Sevilla or the city, do not put the Seville people and Sevilla fc in the same boat . Thank you, sorry

Appreciate the sentiment, but these Sevilla ultras/hooligans didn't target City ultras/hooligans, they targeted ordinary City fans - which makes it even worse.
From looking at the video those targeted were not hooligans, just regular matchgoing scarf/shirt wearers.

It's not an Hooligan thing, it's more of a social issue with these Spanish chavs using the "ultra" tag to form a sense of identity in their miserable lives.
They see an easy target/excuse to fight and wallah!

The majority of Sevilla fans will be genuine matchgoing football lovers. This vermin need jobs/purpose.

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