I completely disagree with you. People have a civic duty to do their bit regards fighting this deadly disease which has killed millions already. Not getting vaxed is shitty behaviour in the extreme and real 2-finger salute to those who have make personal sacrifices, lost loved ones and those who have died. It's not about HIM, it's about the people he mixes with and the risks he exposes THEM to.
We're all humans, and we're all in this together. Apart from the few who are too stupid or too self-entitled. He's either an absolute cock, or thick as pig shit. Or both.
I am a complete wimp and (silly I know) but have a bit of a needle phobia, but I just "got on with it" as pretty much every other sane individual has realised they must do.
I feel just as angry about the twats wondering around Morrisons with no mask on, because presumably they don't give a stuff. Well they are all cunts as well.