Baconchops in the Mirror!


Well-Known Member
1 Sep 2008
The guy is an utter fucking tool! Arguing that all games should finish at the same time! How the fuck are they meant to do that Ferguson, you pleb?

Seems even if he hasn't yet passed on, he's already fucking brain dead.

Copied & pasted the article below so you don't have to click the link & give the twats any money!

Mancini time! Fergie argues Premier League should ensure all final day games finish at the same time

"It happened and it's unfortunate. We all thought we'd done it," says United boss of dramatic deouement

Sir Alex Ferguson has complained at Manchester City winning the title in 'Fergie time'.

United thought they had retained the title after their 1-0 win at Sunderland, with City drawing 2-2 at home to QPR.

But City plundered a 94th-minute winner through Sergio Aguero to snatch the title from United's grasp.

Now United boss Ferguson has called on the Premier League to ensure that final day matches finish at the same time in future.

"It's something I think the Premier League should look at because no team should be finishing after the other team," said Ferguson.

"But it happened and it's unfortunate. We all thought we'd done it.

"Then the Sunderland fans started cheering we knew they [City] had scored again.

"Obviously we knew QPR and I said a couple of things to Mike Phelan [United assistant boss].

"One was that if QPR were leading, I wondered if City would equalise, because I thought they'd get a big impetus from that. I worried about that and it happened.

"But I think everybody expected City to win. They made it difficult for themselves and QPR performed well until they found out they were safe.

"And I think, as Mark Hughes said, they quit, you know. So that was disappointing. It's hard to digest, because we played so well at Sunderland.

"Their keeper made four fantastic saves, we've hit the post twice, hit the bar, missed a couple of good chances - we could have scored eight.

"But when it comes down to goal difference we've only ourselves to blame because we've missed a lot of chances. We're very charitable to our opponents."
God this bitter KUNT can't stop talking about us haha he's losing it! roll on next
Season let the battle begin
What a fucking idiot, he's made himself look a right **** there. I love the fact that we did it in fergie time.
Talking out of his arse again. All games kicked off at the same time. It is impossible to legislate for how much additional time has to be added on for injuries, goals, general timewasting (Paddy Kenny, take note!) or for scouse no-marks acting like a ****.
Fuck me, the season will be a long one if games have to last as long as they do at sold trafford!

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