Baconchops in the Mirror!

what he is asking for i am sure is tongue in cheek....this cannot happen, refs add time on in games-fact, so how could they ever finish at the same time

think its just banter that he thinks yoonited fans want to hear because it takes the glare away from the fact they had an 8pt lead with 6 games to go...he has got to keep the media busy to stop post mortems on his teams "ability" to close a title down or "draw from their vast experience of winning" and maybe even protect the glazers from stick fired in from certain quarters
Just got back from town.
Can't help thinking he's got a point.After all he's been given a knighthood.
And yet some on here still say.......Dont sing that song its disrespectful blah blah blah.

I personally dont want the **** to die. I would rather him live to 100 and be in a nursing home run by a city fan who makes the twat watch back to back re runs of our game yesterday.

Phil Jones will be visiting him saying " Dont worry boss we won it again in 2028"
So effectively he is saying that once Utd have finished playing we should all stop and give them the title....fucking unbelievable...but listen up Fergie...your time is up...quit now before it get's really better still....stick around...fuck it up a few more times...get bitter and twisted and all mangled up inside as City continue to win and show class in the process whlst you foam at the mouth and spout shite......the media will turn soon you old pisscan...they won't take your shit much longer...knives are being drawn sir baconchops as we speak...soon we will be looking at the relic of a once great manager who didn't know it was his time to go and all you will be remembered for is hanging on for 3 or 4 years too many...weren't you building a team to take on Barca this season??...fucked that up quite a bit too didn't you...City will build and be stronger...your Nemesis has arrived and his name is Mancini...fear him Fergie...he's got your number...he will be your end.
Words fail me.

What the hell is the GPC going to come up with next?

If this is all he can come out with, then he really has lost the plot. How the hell does he think all the games can finish at the same time?

What if a scum player was down injured for five minutes and scum needed to score to win the titile when the 90 minutes was up?

I bet he'd change his tune again!
I'm sure I just read a quote from Shaun Derry saying how gutted he was when our 3rd goal went in as he thought they could be down i.e. not knowing the score of the Bolton game! You watch the replay of Aguero's goal, the QPR players are gutted. Baconface is just repeating what that **** Hughes said about them switching off as they were safe. It's absolute tosh!
We won, get used to it. We beat you home and away and won the league. Take it you sad looser's. We are the Champions for a very good reason. We are miles better than you Rag cheating ,diving, cockneys. We on the start of a mighty journey of glory, and you are giving a retired has been another years contract. Happy days!
Fucking disgrace, How stupid is he? fucking bad loser. try to blame qpr.

he should be ashamed of himself

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