Baconface Rant (Merged)

So, AF calls the poster arrogant which by definition means "making claims or pretensions to superior importance or rights; overbearingly assuming; insolently proud." Think AF is clearly quite used to the term from listening to the usual doo doo that comes out of his mouth... 'pot and kettle' spings to mind or is it 'takes one to know one'.

"It is like one of those war adverts - Your Country Needs You," he said.

"Arrogance comes in lots of different ways".
Like the arrogance of milking the death of 23 people to make money,like the arrogance of using it to the disgust of former players to pad out their History isn't a morbid arrogance on a galactic scale.
A souless club led by a lying hypocritical bully.
If he has done this our club should take these twats on.
The fact that he's even talking about us means we've won already.

All of the big 4 know that if they were to drop out of the Champions League places they will plummit like a stone without that extra cash and they are shitting themselves.

Taggart and the rest know we're coming and there's nothing they can do about it. Unfortunately in talks, and we've got plenty.
'we dont care about them, they're nothing to us'

ok alex, can you explain why you have been talking about them for the last few weeks?

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