Bad man management

I suspect none of you know anything about the relationship between manager and player

Elano is a better player now than he was 12 months ago
Robinho's Subbuteo said:
journolud said:
Zzzzz, this has been discussed but here we go again. Elano has two years left on his contract and has played well for the past few weeks and he has started talking up a new contract himself. Hughes has said he has other priorities but also added that Elano has shown recently what a quality player he is. Hughes shouldn't have to pander to Elano's emotional neediness in this instance. I'd love to see Elano stay at City by the way but only if he carries on playing as he has recently and not the sulky disinterested displays of earlier in the season. You could say that Hughes earlier indifference has brought the best out of Elano, in which case 10 out of ten for man management and the message to Elano is carry on working and don't go back to sulking. And we won't fall for emotional blackmail.

I disagree with you. Good man management stems from knowing how to motivate INDIVIDUALS. If you know what you're doing, you'll know that one style does NOT fit all.

Total bollocks IMO why does a guy on mega bucks playing 'where he is happy' with his 'best friend/brother' need motivation? Elano is the hughes out poster boy and this is just another poorly veiled hughes out thread! We have just won 3 on the spin played great in two of them, and you are simply looking for a reason to criticize the manager! Give it a rest pal if elano plays well it's elano the king if he plays shite (Which has been the majority let me remind you!) it's hughes to blame, where is the parity in this?
The Cyber Goat said:
Elano has too much to say for himself 3 good games thats all it is! Why the fuck should he get a new contract? If Fernandez said the same thing every1 on here would go mad, look at Steven Ireland patiently waiting playing well ALL SEASON has he come out asking for more money? NO elano has not yet proved he has what it takes to make it in the premier league lets wait till christmas next year and then evaluate, if he plays from now until then as well as recently then ok but only time will tell!

I think you've missed my point. It's not about whether or not Elano is deserving of a new contract/pay rise at present. It is about how, as a manager, he has chosen to convey that Elano's wishes are a VERY low priority. Hughes, in my view, could have been encouraging to Elano without promising anything instead of effectively saying to Elano 'I've got more important things to worry about than you, you impatient little boy'
Marvin said:
I suspect none of you know anything about the relationship between manager and player

Elano is a better player now than he was 12 months ago

True on both counts I'd say.

I presume this new contract Elano's after would be for the same wages he's on now, as he's so happy to stay & he won't want to negotiate a vast salary increase a year earlier than it's actually due?
Robinho's Subbuteo said:
The Cyber Goat said:
Elano has too much to say for himself 3 good games thats all it is! Why the fuck should he get a new contract? If Fernandez said the same thing every1 on here would go mad, look at Steven Ireland patiently waiting playing well ALL SEASON has he come out asking for more money? NO elano has not yet proved he has what it takes to make it in the premier league lets wait till christmas next year and then evaluate, if he plays from now until then as well as recently then ok but only time will tell!

I think you've missed my point. It's not about whether or not Elano is deserving of a new contract/pay rise at present. It is about how, as a manager, he has chosen to convey that Elano's wishes are a VERY low priority. Hughes, in my view, could have been encouraging to Elano without promising anything instead of effectively saying to Elano 'I've got more important things to worry about than you, you impatient little boy'

But he has got other more important things to worry about, the club will have a policy on dealing with contracts and if elano wants a new one it should be dealt with internally! The rest is immaterial we have 4 MASSIVE games to consider at the moment and a stupid contract negotiation is a distraction not needed! I think the timing is very inappropriate being only weeks before the end of season and seeing as this was published in the official magazine somebody should be getting a serious bollocking! Can you see where i'm coming from?
The Cyber Goat said:
Total bollocks IMO why does a guy on mega bucks playing 'where he is happy' with his 'best friend/brother' need motivation? Elano is the hughes out poster boy and this is just another poorly veiled hughes out thread! We have just won 3 on the spin played great in two of them, and you are simply looking for a reason to criticize the manager! Give it a rest pal if elano plays well it's elano the king if he plays shite (Which has been the majority let me remind you!) it's hughes to blame, where is the parity in this?

This is not a Hughes Out thread PAL! It is merely an observation I have made that I wanted to get other people's views on. This is a forum after all, and like you, I am a registered member so I can post as often or as infrequently as I choose on whatever subject I choose. Thanks for your comment though, misguided as it was.
Robinho's Subbuteo said:
The Cyber Goat said:
Total bollocks IMO why does a guy on mega bucks playing 'where he is happy' with his 'best friend/brother' need motivation? Elano is the hughes out poster boy and this is just another poorly veiled hughes out thread! We have just won 3 on the spin played great in two of them, and you are simply looking for a reason to criticize the manager! Give it a rest pal if elano plays well it's elano the king if he plays shite (Which has been the majority let me remind you!) it's hughes to blame, where is the parity in this?

This is not a Hughes Out thread PAL! It is merely an observation I have made that I wanted to get other people's views on. This is a forum after all, and like you, I am a registered member so I can post as often or as infrequently as I choose on whatever subject I choose. Thanks for your comment though, misguided as it was.

Come off it Rob, this was set up with great potential to turn into a hughes out thread ;-) With regard to your OP though, Hughes did come out and praise Elano for his recent performances, but I thought he looked a bit disgruntled at having to answer questions about an irrelevant topic simple as that. I don't see why a manager has to pander to players? If they want more money they talk on the pitch not via the media and will get their rewards! Ie. Steven Ireland
The team's playing well, things seem to be going ok, and then a player asks for contract discussions with four games left to go when he's got two years left on his original deal.

You have to ask yourself why didn't he wait till the close season, and why make it so public?

I know for sure my boss wouldn't be re-newing my contract with two years left on it, he would wait and see how I do first.
There's something been going on between Elano and Hughes since day one. Everyone knows how good Elano can be but you've got to ask yourself....Why has Elano come out and said he wants to stay with us now? Elano has sulked all season and not give a honest, everytime he comes over to take a corner he gets a great reception and Elano knows it gets on right Hughes tits....

In my opinion Elano has just said it to get a reaction from us city fans and add another reason why we should get rid of Hughes and strike another blow between us fans and Hughes. I don't agree with Hughes's tactics or substitutions but looking at the positives his buys have been good.

Everyone would love Elano to stay but at what cost? I think he'll be sold in summer regardless and if you look a bit deeper into how he has behaved at other clubs you'll see he's always had problems with management. You can tell he is a very vindictive footballer.

I know I'm new on here but in my opinion the best man manager in the world would struggle to keep Elano happy.....

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