Bale or Hazard?

Dax777 said:
When comparing this one has to consider all the possibilities. Bale would add more width and crossing to our game than Hazzard. Hazzard will add more skill and defender attacking ability than Bale. Bale is a better shooter. Hazard has better vision and "perhaps" team play. (He is not there yet, but his skill set suggests he will get there). Bale will be better defensively and in terms of hussle help. Bale is faster and will be a better fast break option. Hazard is more versatile and can be moved around alot. I believe his eventual position isn't set yet. Bale's is.

Both will struggle initially. For Hazzard being in a knew league will be the reason, for Bale, joining a team that doesn't have him as the focal point will be the reason.

And for those who keep claiming Bale is a one trick pony, seriously, stop being silly. He certainly is not.

I'd choose Hazzard simply because I don't like the idea of taking another contender in the league's player. I'd rather we went to get our own players from none challenging teams, the lower division, the youth squad, and from foreign leagues.That way, the league stays competitive. Who will be the better player eventually? Potential suggests Hazard, but don't sleep on Bale. He has some rare qualities. 1) Raw Football speed, 2) a fantastic left foot, but most importantly, his greatest quality is his focus and humility. It is Messieque. He is all about football. And players like that get better all thru their career. I don't get that same sense from Hazard. He loves football and stardom equally. Now that is not a bad thing, but those who are all about football tend to succeed no matter what!

So I wouldn't dismiss Bale at all.

P.s: I still love Vertonghen :P and my new handle name when I am on the road is daxman. For some reason, my password doesn't work anywhere but on my Desktop at home. And I am out of town on a project for the next 8 months. :(

Couldn't log on for all the fun 5 week comeback.
Bale is a one trick monkey.

True ;)
I don't think either will struggle all too much here. If Mancini utilises them out wide in the Johnson role their won't be too much learning curve early on.
I say Hazard.Bale is predictable although he does have alot of pace and can create.
Alot of people havent seen Hazards style of play and is more likely to be unpredictable and we would benefit more from Hazard especially in europe because of the differences in pitch styles.
Do we really need pace if teams start doing to us wot they do to Barca and just park the bus,we need a bit of skill and a bit of magic.If teams defend against us all the time we wont be able to use bale's pace to go on the counter attack.
Personally dont think bale will go to another english team out of respect to spurs.
Shauntheprofitmachine said:
Just one or the other, who you'd rather sign, give a reason if you want - I just cant decide!

P.S please dont move this to the transfer forum, too many kids over there for my liking ;)

both............and RVP and a centre back will do for this summer.

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