Balo: "I play for the best team in England. I want to stay"

Re: Balo:

The Fat el Hombre said:
Rammy Blue said:
Good stuff from Balo, if he stays with us for another couple of years we will see the absolute best of the lad.

I'm hoping he'll be staying a lot longer than that

Absolutely mate, just saying that I think when he reaches 23/24 he will be at his peak and I'd love it for him to still be plying his trade in blue.
He is now the most liked player in England, if other fans forums are anything to go from.

nice to see he enjoy and want to stay! too!
Odd how many of the reasons why the Italians hate Balotelli are the same reasons why he's so adored in England.

He can be a City great, if his head's in the right place.
He has turned into a model professional overnight. Balo's saying all the right things and has a great attitude when playing.

Mancini is a good man manager considering Mourinho thought Balotelli was unmanageable.
Hamann Pineapple said:
mac said:
watch this get turned around in the press as per f*****g usual

What ? You mean like this ?

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... -balotelli</a>?

haha fucking quality, can't believe they twist everything around!!! lol

(original article <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>)
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... brahimovic</a>

On Mario Balotelli: "I like fireworks too, but I set them off in gardens or kebab stands. I never set fire to my own house"

Informed that Roberto Mancini thinks Balotelli is among the best strikers in the world: "If he was then he'd be playing every game."

Asked what Balotelli would need to become better than him: "A lot."

Related article courtesy of a certain Mr Zlatan Ibrahimovich. What a turd.

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