Balotelli subject to racist abuse in Italy Romania game

Fuck what everyone else thinks

If we get behind him it'll be a feckin novelty for the poor lad

racist coonts, feck em all

Come on Balo!!!
well what did he expect?

He's an idiot, he's been getting the same abuse for years from the same people. He could have played for a country where he would have been welcomed with open arms. He's made his bed now let him lie in it.
jus2nang (gooner) said:
well what did he expect?

He's an idiot, he's been getting the same abuse for years from the same people. He could have played for a country where he would have been welcomed with open arms. He's made his bed now let him lie in it.

He was born in Italy and feels Italian, why should he not play for them when he has no emotional links to Ghana at all? Italian racists are parasites and if the Italian football chiefs were active at all, that would be stamped out of the game brutally.
Balti said:
Fuck what everyone else thinks

If we get behind him it'll be a feckin novelty for the poor lad

racist coonts, feck em all

Come on Balo!!!


-- Mon Nov 28, 2011 6:30 pm --

johnny on the spot said:
Fratelli D'Italia? Fucking bollocks.

As for our Mario, the only colour round here is light blue, mate. Let's get right behind the kid when he next plays.
<br /><br />-- Mon Nov 28, 2011 6:31 pm --<br /><br />
emiratblu said:
What concerns me is how the UK establishment, ie the FA, the Press, idiotic referees and their assistants and virtually all football commentators are all doing their bit to unstabalize the kid further.
If you compare the kid glove treatment the great white hope Rooney has received from the same groups you will no doubt see a major difference.
Rooneys constant dirty play, his foul language and dubious lifestyle has always been swept under the carpet and you have to ask why.
For Balo its a major problem. He has the Italian angle but he also is belittled in the UK by the establishment who have become terribly anti City very very quickly.
We are quick to condone the Italians but just ask yourself how many black ex England players were at the launch of the 2018 WC bid? No surprise if I tell u it was 0.
This is not just an Italian issue believe me

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