Balotelli unhappy????

In the world of football "news" there's mostly smoke without fire.

An unhappy Balotelli had a fun evening at San Carlos restaurant with Bobby Mancini after the Villa game. They unhappily laughed, drank wine, and ate a 3 course meal together. But let's post a story of Balotelli sulking and miserable. Nobody wants a photo of Balotelli looking happy and enjoying time with his manager.
Lets hope so, as I for one see the potential / skills, even in his short time with us.

When he has finished adapting / over his injuries I think he will be very dangerous, even more so than now!
Don't buy it for a second. Just looking for a way to be negative about City with the signing of Dzeko. They just can't give City any moment in the sun.
Cant see him leaving soon but also can't see him having a long career with us neither.

He looks like one of the most angry fuckin kids I have ever seen,a surly fucker,who will spit his dummy at anything,given half the chance.

And before you all start,NO this isnt an anti Balotelli comment,am just saying it as it appears to me,in the games have seen him play

But if he fires in the goals regulary,he can sulk all he wants i suppose
you really need to stop reading shit if you have a tendancy for believing it! trying to find something positive written about us is extremely difficult especially when you have to wade through all the shit first, unless you get lucky early on of course. Not having a go or out.
Why cant people digest what is said by the player, (see below ), rather than believe the shite from ?

Manchester City's Mario Balotelli will not be sold in January transfer window, says manager Roberto Mancini
Manchester City manager Roberto Mancini insists that Mario Balotelli's long-term future is at Eastlands as the striker himself denied rumours of a move back to Italy with AC Milan.
Going nowhere: Mario Balotelli and Roberto Mancini have denied he will leave Ma

Balotelli scored a hat-trick as Manchester City overcame Aston Villa 4-0 on Tuesday to maintain their bid for the Premier League title.

The Italian striker has rarely been out of the headlines since arriving from European champions Inter Milan for £24 million last summer.

Balotelli has been involved in several on-field spats but Mancini is adamant his compatriot's miserable on-pitch demeanour is just an act and that he is satisfied with life in England.

"After the first goal he celebrated, which is a step forward," Mancini joked after Tuesday's comprehensive home victory. "He celebrated after the first goal but it's more important that he scored goals.

"Every player has his behaviour but I think he's happy. Mario is a good guy but I think that today he was happy because the supporters supported him throughout the game.

"He's a different guy outside the pitch but he likes to give this hard, 'don't like to play' image."

Mancini added: "I think maybe he could be homesick because he's 20 and it's his first time away from his family and it's normal to miss your family.

"I don't think it's a long-term problem."

Balotelli, who has now scored eight times in 11 games for City, said he could not understand all the fuss about his lack of goal celebrations.

"I am always happy, even when I don't smile," he said. "But I feel a striker has to score. It is my job. That is why I don't smile.

"I am still happy and I can score more."

And he too dismissed talk of a return to Italy by saying: "I am very happy even if the journalists in Italy say I want to go to Milan.

"I am here and I am working hard in training. I want to be an important man for this team and the results are on the pitch."

Daily Telegraph.

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