Balotelli V Ibrahimovic..

Kun Aguero said:
Not like the so called jokey "Kinky V Messi" etc threads but does anyone really believe Balotelli will be anywhere as good as Zlatgod when/if he matures?
Matures? He's 22.

He neither has the strength, confidence, hold-up ability, passing ability nor overall quality to ever be as good as Ibrahimovic.
Balotelli doesn't have the attitude to be the best. I know an Italian guy who knows him personally and he says he always has a "can't be arsed" mood about him when it comes to the football. Also, when asked why he doesn't really celebrate goals, his reply was something along the lines of not wanting to celebrate until he scores the winning goal in a CL final and he is certified best player in the world. Ridiculously warped and deluded mentality if you ask me.

I don't really slag him off but at the moment I think he is a tit and Mancini an even bigger one for putting too much faith in him.
This thread got mentioned on Ragcafe

First time I checked out their forum today. Probably the last as well. They actually have threads like: Messi vs Kinkladze; Zidane vs Neil McNab (for most of them the latter is better) and Balotelli vs Ibrahimovic.

Kun Aguero said:
Zidane vs Neil McNab (for most of them the latter is better)

Just shows how few of those plastic southern rags understand northern humour that they take the McNab > Zidane thread seriously.
Ntini77 said:
He'll be another Anelka - a potential great player, unfulfilled because of his own conceit.

Not fit to lace Anelkas boots and at 33 i'd still have him instead.
Kun Aguero said:
This thread got mentioned on Ragcafe

First time I checked out their forum today. Probably the last as well. They actually have threads like: Messi vs Kinkladze; Zidane vs Neil McNab (for most of them the latter is better) and Balotelli vs Ibrahimovic.


Irony is lost on those idiots.
Kun Aguero said:
This thread got mentioned on Ragcafe

First time I checked out their forum today. Probably the last as well. They actually have threads like: Messi vs Kinkladze; Zidane vs Neil McNab (for most of them the latter is better) and Balotelli vs Ibrahimovic.

I think those threads are pointless and a bit stupid, but I still get they are a joke. How can they not get that, too?
Balotelli will never, ever , ever, ever, ever come any close to any version of Ibrahimovic, youg or old.
Even a 20 year old Ibra just shits on Balotelli :


That italian lad will remain in history as one of the most overrated player, really on the edge of becoming a real fraud.

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