
the_tevez_wiggle said:
lee-mcfc said:
Can i just point out we didn't finish joint second we finished third

pedantic i know because i'm cranky and tired.

ohh my bad must of been a shit season then???? fuck it, sack the lot
I know i'm a pedantic little shit , i'll go bed :)
I feel like time and time again I have to defend Balotelli and try to explain the potential he has but i'm really getting tired of it, the faith I have in him is really running thin. If he just stays out of the headlines i'd be happy... The rat face actually made a good point today, most of our time is now spent on mario and not the rest of the squad.
VinceYoungisaBLUE said:
Grand Master Ram Rod said:
Mancio said:
balotelli is largely better than tevez.

That is the wrongest statement I have ever read.
lol at mancio. Balotelli isn't fit to lace tevez's boots. I bet Balotelli doesn't score more than 8 goals this season. He is about as interested about playing for us as a nun is about porn. A truly shocking player more interested about sulking than playing. His petulance is at embarrassing levels now. Also, all this 'but he's Mario' bollocks is tiresome. If he had cost 200k from leyton orient, was called mike smith, put in these non entity performances and went home to bed each night like a good boy, everyone would agree he isn't good enough but it seems too many have fallen for the bad boy, mad cap antics and have given him legend status for that. Mancini needs to drop him or sell him because he has done fuck all other than cost shit loads of money to warrant a place in that side. Some of the lesser players, youth players or those cast aside like Ade and bellers must scratch their heads at Balotelli's constant inclusion at their expense. Balotelli better than tevez? You're having a fucking laugh, he's no where near Bellamy let alone tevez.
The more I read people's views on this fella the more it changes my view. Im starting to wear thin myself now, and falling in line with everyone else. He really has done far more harm to our club so far than he has done productive. So far his story reads 'clown, thug, moron, red cards, the odd goal, petulant, childish, overpriced, overpaid, overrated' and I COULD GO ON AND ON.

He's got a long way to go and im not sure he'll be at City past January, next summer latest. Even the scum bastard Neville was berating him whilst vaguely praising our club today. EVERYBODY is losing patience with this lad and i'm falling in line after today.

Give us your best effort on the pitch, lose the antics, keep your mouth shut and be proud to wear the City shirt for as long left as you have to wear it!!!!
It really is simple now.

he's not good enough and has flattered to decieve.

a show pony with no end results.

i wanted to love him, but he's awful.
Lelle said:
I agree, Balotelli is not fit for the challenge that is the EPL. He is a spoiled brat with no sense of honour, a lot of talent indeed. But Man. City will never get the best out of him, sorry...Sell him and get someone in who will at least track back in defence...Today was an embarressment from him...(sorry for the spelling, i´m Swedish).
Yeah agreed we really need strikers who can track back.

Had we won yesterday, I doubt whether everyone would be picking on him. I agree, he hasn't covered himself in glory but let's see what this season brings.

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