Barca at Home points and purchase history missing

Purchase history still there but points taken off loyalty total.
BUT login on home page and points total is still correct!
Same with mine and my dads. Both 20 points down and Barcelona showing as paper ticket and not loaded to card as it should do? If anybody rings the ticket office tomorrow please post a reply to let me know what they say. Thanks
Biffo123 said:
Mikeegrini said:
IIRC points shouldn't go on until the game has been played.

Points actually go on immediately after purchase , I am also down 20 points on what has been showing on my account for the past week . Not too worried as I am sure it will rectify itself ( hopefully )

Normally but when big games come up only points from games actually played are allowed. I'm pretty sure that's the case as it happend to me for the FA cup final against Stoke.
Mikeegrini said:
Biffo123 said:
Mikeegrini said:
IIRC points shouldn't go on until the game has been played.

Points actually go on immediately after purchase , I am also down 20 points on what has been showing on my account for the past week . Not too worried as I am sure it will rectify itself ( hopefully )

Normally but when big games come up only points from games actually played are allowed. I'm pretty sure that's the case as it happend to me for the FA cup final against Stoke.

Doesn't explain we have all suddenly lost 20 points though Mike.
another generation said:
Have you all tried logging out then on again?

Yeah mate still the same, I logged at around 1730 and all was ok, logged on again a couple of hours later and noticed I was - 20 points, had a look through my purchase history and saw there was nothing about my Barca ticket there, last looked at 2300 and no change.
i notcied the paper tickets thing weeks ago and emailed the club, got a standard pdf reply stating


but after seeing this thread tonight i logged in and yep in both mine and my mums accounts our 20 points for the barcelona match have been took off, and the order history still says paper ticket rather than "loaded to card".

Dreading it on the night - i get a feeling the cards are not going to work, and the staff will tell me ive had a paper ticket.. :(
Written again to supporter services - except you have to do it via that daft mcfchelp page instead now..
and i want my points back!!!
First post but felt I had to comment. I was going through the Ticket Section of the Website over the weekend looking to add to Friends and Family details ahead of the League Cup Final and stumbled across the Purchase History section. I'm also showing "Paper Ticket" for the Barcelona match so I phoned the ticket office on Monday morning. The woman who answered said that there was no need to worry and that ALL relevant season cards would be loaded nearer the time and that I wouldn't be receiving a paper ticket. I don't know if there is an issue loading a few weeks in advance or not
(I always assumed season cards were loaded for all 19 league matches in the Summer). What I do know is I will be sweating when I reach the turnstiles on the night. "Typical City" lives, they couldn't make a mess of Watford or Blackburn tickets but can with Barcelona!
Re: Barca at Home points and purchase history missing *Updated

Here's the latest, just logged on and my Barca at home ticket has now reappeared on in purchase history and is showing as loaded to card, my 20 missing points have not yet reappeared.
Checked this morning and still showing "Paper Ticket".
I've also now lost 20 points versus yesterday.

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