Barcelona (H) Pre-Match Thread

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All about mentality this one. They need to stop fannying around messi treating like the messiah and stick the tackles in. If we go 3-5-2 I'd be tempted to ask fern to sit in his pocket.
we usually get a defender sent off so i am going for a double whammy Zabs and Vinny off in the 1st twenty minutes Messi scores 5 in a 6-0 win and Suarez has a shit in the centre circle before he leaves the pitch and gets man of the match
All about mentality this one. They need to stop fannying around messi treating like the messiah and stick the tackles in. If we go 3-5-2 I'd be tempted to ask fern to sit in his pocket.
Seeing as they're missing Iniesta we could cut off their supply lines by playing Fernando and Dinho as man markers on Messi and Neymar with a Gundogan-Silva-De Bruyne middle 3 supporting Sergio and Nacho/Sterling up front, middle 3 would be capable of harrying Rakitic and Busquets out of the match and getting good service in and then it's down to how we support our back 3 against their counters.
The one where their striker was constantly getting called offside when through one on one when he could have stood in his own half and still left your defenders eating dust. Btw that's one chance for Granada and only 2 for your lot. You'll improve with Busquets in for Rafinha but it won't improve the defence or the service to your front three.

The entirety of the match was played out in Granada's end, to ignore that suggests you're simply having a laugh - fine. Can't ignore the match stats though, it was 7 shots by Barcelona not one
The entirety of the match was played out in Granada's end, to ignore that suggests you're simply having a laugh - fine. Can't ignore the match stats though, it was 7 shots by Barcelona not one
2 chances. The entirety of the match was played in Granada's end because that suited them, don't try to pretend differently.
Nice press conference from Luis Enrique & Ivan Rakitic, a lot of love & respect for City and Pep in there
Nice press conference from Luis Enrique & Ivan Rakitic, a lot of love & respect for City and Pep in there
So despite being top achieving professionals in the world of football, they have more humility than you?
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