Barcelona Vs Rags Official Match Topic

Can we change the thread title pls as much fun as it is to see the rags lose i dont care about them enough to woman at them as they are on the way down its plain for all to see.

Maybe "Mercurial Barca win the cl" or something, as thats what the thread is really about.
In relation to Fergusons shaking hand syndrome

LongsightM13:Delirium tremens (Latin for "shaking frenzy", also referred to as The DTs, "the horrors," "jazz hands," "giving the invisible man a handshake" or "the shakes." ) is an acute episode of delirium that is usually caused by withdrawal from alcohol, first described in 1813.

I was sceptical of the above when seeing the reference to the invisible man, but checked it out on Wikipedia and found this word perfect, how fucking weird is this!

Barcelona are probably the best team I've ever seen. Their style of play is unbelievable - can you imagine having a season ticket at the Nou Camp?

If they keep all their players (and I don't see why any would want to leave) they could win another 3 - 4 European Cups imo. They're simply astounding and play the game the right way. Saturday night was a masterclass-simply divine.
Blue Haze said:
Gar said:
Blue Haze said:
It's quite hilarious that Arse took so much shit for losing to Barca, 'Arsenal fails again, Wenger never learned.' Yet Ferguson failed even more spectacularly than Rome and it's 'Barca are greatest ever, no fault of Ferguson, blah blah blah." Even though Arse looked better against them.

What a joke, these media types. I'm glad their darlings were raped so brutally in front of 500 million people.

Nobody was touching Barca this year, but Arse took so much shit because they failed AGAIN. As in a string of failures season after season. Even with those demoralizing losses in the finals, we also managed to knock Barca out in a semi-final on the way to Champions League victory of our own.

Barca were in jeopardy of elimination before the Van Persie red card. It was aggregate 3-2 in favor of Arsenal with 1 away goal a piece.

Arse took more shit but actually outplayed Barca. Wenger's tactics were very sound, unlike Ferguson's.

Did you watch the games? Barcelona were better than Arsenal in both legs and should have cruised through, Arsenal fluked a goal in the Nou Camp but were as outclassed as Man Utd were.

Hilarious on saturday though, Man Utd were made to look like a league 2 side, which in comparison to Barcelona's best..they are.
MCFC BOB said:
Mr. Sitter

I laughed so much I started coughing.

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