Barry>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>De Jong

Sabster said:
supercity36 said:
ehhhhhhh no.... dont think we have been watching the same players mate, barry drifts in and out of games, often letting the whole match pass him by. de jong is always stuck in always the first to put in that crucial tackle. the only element of his game which i could criticise is his passing. but in a defensive mid the last thing im bothers about him doing is spraying the ball around with elaborate passes. as long as he breaks up play and dominate the midfield (which he does do) im alright.

Don't think you know anything about football mate............

Barry breaks up play better you cannot argue with those stats. For ther record if you look at the stats this way Mascherano comes out on top which implies this analysis is right as Mascherano breaks up play better than anyone else.

Dominates the midfield??? De Jong sits really deep, doesn't make passes and lets us be dominated.

Football is about opinions , just because some views are different from yours does not mean we know nothing about the game you dick.

It is a decent argument though.

My view has allways been that Barry does not hold the shape as a holding player in the position should, Barry tends to get drawn into areas where your defensive midfider should not be and therefore as a side we get exposed.

DeJong is more disciplined and is always available centrally which should allow the players around him more freedom.

Just my view, which was confirmed with the displays for Holland in the world cup.
Never mind a zimmer, Barry's that slow he leaves a silver trail behind him when he comes out of the players tunnel.

I've seen people run faster doing the London marathon in a diving suit. The stats apparently say the World Cup finalist De Jong is worse than England's very own Gareth Barry.
barry is horrible of late,de jong is an animal.we have better offensive players that can pass and attack with the ball. barry has lost this from his game making him more obsolete-IMO! i m a big fan of barry but he has gone way off form from the villa captain....maybe he needs a rest to get back on his game!?

de jong all the way...our DM`s will be marked out as dirty players,so we got bare this in mind.
Interstate 5 said:
Never mind a zimmer, Barry's that slow he leaves a silver trail behind him when he comes out of the players tunnel.

I've seen people run faster doing the London marathon in a diving suit. The stats apparently say the World Cup finalist De Jong is worse than England's very own Gareth Barry.

still what do we mere mortals know. he has stats on his side
Lol, just lol...If you honestly think this you need putting down as you're an embarrassment to the human race.
De Jong makes his job extremely easy by just sitting in front of the back 4 and breaking up the play, the game is always in front of him so he can see whats happening. I know there is a lot of NDJ fans on here AND Barry dislikers but if you asked NDJ to do what Barry was asked to do, drive the team forward, he'd be completely lost but Barry could do what NDJ does and drive the team forward by passing it forward and at times joining in attacks from deep, when we have the ball and attacking NDJ is mainly redundant, he doesn't need marking as he's one dimensional this puts pressure on the other midfielders to be more creative. To be a top class defensive midfielder you have to have something else added to your game like a set piece player like Alonso, what NDJ does he does really well but I don't think that alone is enough IMO.
If de jong reads this you no he's gonna pick out the op with a cantona style kick later at the match.

But de jong is miles better, de jong gets told to just sit in front of the defence and he does that arguably better than anyone, Barry gets told to create. Bring up the stats for his assists etc. Maybe Barry should focus on his job and make some chances rather than trying to do Dr kings job, he is capable on his own.

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