bars in manchester

Best heading for the Northern Quarter, Walrus

Printworks - no unless you're a Chav

Branigans in the Royal Exchange - brilliant memories, downed many a cider and black in there back in the underage drinking days. Then onto Discoteque Royales!
LongsightM13 said:
aphex said:
it boasts 'the best dukebox in manc' its good to be fair.. its quite a cosy little place too :)
I'm 40 next month and spent the ages of 16-19 in there getting free drinks from my mates behind the bar. Bet you remember Branigans (not the ghastly chain) in the royal exchange arcade

I do! Many a happy Friday afternoon in there.
aphex said:
LongsightM13 said:
I'm 40 next month and spent the ages of 16-19 in there getting free drinks from my mates behind the bar. Bet you remember Branigans (not the ghastly chain) in the royal exchange arcade

dont think i ever went there??

i spent a lot of my 20's in the castle in oldham.. hell ALL of my 20's..

I used to work in Oldham in the 80's and drove past the castle last Sat night it hasn't changed a bit, well at least from the outside. Still ''Oldhams premier live venue''
Blumers Bloomers said:
Best heading for the Northern Quarter, Walrus

Printworks - no unless you're a Chav

Branigans in the Royal Exchange - brilliant memories, downed many a cider and black in there back in the underage drinking days. Then onto Discoteque Royales!

people who i know ( and me ) sometimes go there and were no chavs

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