Bars in Northern Quarter or Ancoats before game for this Saturday?

To watch the game or just for a pint?

Loads of bars on:

Cutting Room Square
Swan St
Oldham St
Edge St
Stevenson Sq
Thomas St
Hilton St

If you want craft ale/beer

The New Cross
Crowne and Kettle
Port St Beerhouse

If you want to watch the game

Calcio NQ
Pie and Ale
A lot of these places aren’t in the NQ.

Cutting Room Square in in Ancoats
Swan St is in New Cross/Smithfield depending on what side of the road you’re on
The New Cross, Fringe and Crown&Kettle are in New Cross
Pelican and Port Street Beerhouse are in Piccadilly Basin.

Am I taking the thread title too literally here?
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A lot of these places aren’t in the NQ.

Cutting Room Square in in Ancoats
Swan St is in New Cross
The New Cross, Fringe and Crown&Kettle are in New Cross
Pelican and Port Street Beerhouse are in Piccadilly Basin.

Am I taking the thread title too literally here?
have you been drinking again! :)
So 8pm kick off.

Minutes added, first half 6 & second half 9.

Game finishes at approximately 10pm, queue for Metrolink 10 to 20 minutes at stadium and 5 to 10 minutes in Picadilly. Tram to Navigation Road 25 minutes and drive home 5 minutes.

So back in Timperley between 10:45 and 11:00.

No wonder I stopped doing CL and FLC some years ago.
I've thought for a while now that there aren't many places to watch football in the City Centre, without needing to book in advance and pay a deposit.

When people from outside Manchester ask me for recommendations for somewhere to watch, there is no one place that springs to mind where you can just walk in and watch a game. Remember Sports Bar on Quay Street? Shame that place closed - was a bit of a dump, but huge and never needed to book.

The only dedicated sports bars in town now are:

Directors Box, which I really like and has a good choice of beers but is very small so lucky to be able to book a table if there is a major event on.

The Box, on Deansgate, is huge - but you always need to book, or you'll just keep getting moved along when people who have booked the table you're sat at turn up. I recall having to move tables 3 times in the first half of the Arsenal v Bournemouth game last season, when I was just waiting for my mates to turn up.

And the Sports Bar in the Basement of Bierkeller in Printworks is decent, but can't remember if you have to book in there. Not been for a while.

To answer the OP's question - the nearest of those ^^ to NQ is going to be Bierkeller in the Printworks!

Casinos are always a good shout for watching sport when everywhere else is hammered.

Admittedly you can’t just ‘walk in’ But normally only takes two minutes to join or be signed in these days, now the 24 hour rule has been dropped.
A lot of these places aren’t in the NQ.

Cutting Room Square in in Ancoats
Swan St is in New Cross/Smithfield depending on what side of the road you’re on
The New Cross, Fringe and Crown&Kettle are in New Cross
Pelican and Port Street Beerhouse are in Piccadilly Basin.

Am I taking the thread title too literally here?
Changed the thread title just for you, lol.

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