Basic manners, keyboard warriors etc

What happens if you report a mod or anyone (not thinking of doing it by the way) I've never reported anyone but I noticed Damo has report same as the rest of us.
PB gets a bollocking and has to spend the next year apologising for a really bad joke >:)
I think what people need to remember is that all the mods would rather just be posting on subjects that interest them instead of having to to jump on people argueing a point by just repeating it over and over till people agree with them or they start being abusive because the people won't agree with them
But it's not hypocrisy because no two posting offences are EVER the same and this comparison that people desperately try to draw between them is ALWAYS wrong once you look into it. Every single time, without exception.

As I explain earlier, we don't moderate collections of letters we moderate context.

That argument taken to the n'th degree makes all of your decisions unquestionable. That may be how you see it, I don't know.

I know different threads, different subjects, different context etc. I appreciate that element of common sense should be applied in those instances but the argument is used as justification for letting big hitters off the hook compared to the outspoken or newbies
I think what people need to remember is that all the mods would rather just be posting on subjects that interest them instead of having to to jump on people argueing a point by just repeating it over and over till people agree with them or they start being abusive because the people won't agree with them
That's the top and tail of it
I see your point.
I mean take "real life" as an example... I've seen serving Police Officers, Judges and so on behaving stupidly when drunk and disorderly, taking drugs and the rest of it like people in society do.
Yet in their working day they are upholding the law, charging people with crimes they themselves have committed and yes it is hypocritical - but i'd much rather at least somebody there policing the community rather than total anarchy with nobody moderating anything.

Good analogy and sums up the whole "whiter than white" theory.

I still however wouldn't feel comfortable with a drug taking judge sentencing and passing judgement me for drugs related crime.
Good analogy and sums up the whole "whiter than white" theory.

I still however wouldn't feel comfortable with a drug taking judge sentencing and passing judgement me for drugs related crime.

Are you admitting that you take drugs here Chris? ;)

i'd rather have a judge infront of me if I was taking drugs as well - they might be more lenient to me as I once scored them a bag of ket' :P
Are you admitting that you take drugs here Chris? ;)

i'd rather have a judge infront of me if I was taking drugs as well - they might be more lenient to me as I once scored them a bag of ket' :P

That last part hits the nail on the head though to the original point about moderating.

If the judge is lenient because he himself thinks that drugs aren't bad then great, no hypocrisy.

But if he gives you the maximum sentence and gives you the full "stain on society" speech then how would you feel then.

Without wanting to be specific, and it is a thankless task, this is what I was alluding to with moderators posting
That last part hits the nail on the head though to the original point about moderating.

If the judge is lenient because he himself thinks that drugs aren't bad then great, no hypocrisy.

But if he gives you the maximum sentence and gives you the full "stain on society" speech then how would you feel then.

Without wanting to be specific, and it is a thankless task, this is what I was alluding to with moderators posting
If I couldn't post on Bluemoon then I wouldn't be on Bluemoon, therefore I wouldn't be a moderator
The only way round it would be to pay for moderators and, as a free site, that would be unworkable
If I couldn't post on Bluemoon then I wouldn't be on Bluemoon, therefore I wouldn't be a moderator
The only way round it would be to pay for moderators and, as a free site, that would be unworkable

We could go back to that idea about charging West Ham fans for membership?

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