Basic manners, keyboard warriors etc

I don't know Damo, you tell me. You seem to be able to pre-emptively know all posters' motives and innermost thoughts without even reading their posts, so I'll bow to your better judgement.

PS - seriously, what have I done to upset you so much and deserve such vitriol? Seriously, what? PM me if you prefer.

If you think there's "vitriol" in there then my advice is falls down to "grow a pair you big girl". As with most people who care FAR FAR too much about warnings and stuff, you constantly misread my flippant and not-really-arsed tone as something else.

The problem you have is that almost everything that you've said has been wrong and I've pointed out that this has been wrong. You have taken this as a personal attack on you as many of our more insecure members do. Then accused me of flying off the handle for literally ignoring someone (which is the exact opposite of flying off the handle).

This apparently is you believing that you are being rational despite the fact that you're behaving like a child who is cross that they were told off.

Essentially you're acting like a bit of a knob and are projecting so hard that I might point you at a wall and rent you out for business presentations.
Dude, you're being off-the-scale paranoid. It's as if you're approaching every post expecting it to be an attack, and concocting user's malign intent out of thin air. In as friendly and non-confrontational way as I can possibly convey this: just give it a break for a while. You're not even being rational FFS. As someone who's seen first hand how a delusional paranoid episode manifests itself, please believe me when I say you need a rest.
you need a rest mate....seriously
Well I'll bite, just this once and give you an overview of how it scanned in my head -

This goes for viewpoints aswell. Loads of people on the right wing say the forum has left wing and the recent adjustment took it from hard left to centre-left. Loads on the left wing say we're a hard right forum. Both of these are bollocks, again due to the numbers we can do nothing but reflect the way the country has gone and the attitudes of the people inside of it. Bluemoon is not a special case and we're a collection of mostly British people or ex-pats/those heavily influenced by British culture and we will reflect changes in the general population. I don't believe we're specifically worse than the way the country has gone and due to this think that trying to moderate the forum against it is a form of political moderation. That was the whole point of the first post; that we can't allow ourselves to start moderating politically because like all collections of rules, you can very rarely get rid of a policy once it's in place.

You owe me 10 minutes of lifetime now.
I Don't like commenting on this childish bickering but to balance it a little I've said some right shit on this forum and been warned.
I've been anti-Semitic, and PB warned me, I threatened to fight somebody and I was reported.

I've been vulgar and held my hands up, accepted I had been in the wrong and tried to change my attitude.

End of the day we're in these lads Manor, it's their website so what they say goes.

So if you have been banned in the past you must have said some right crazy shit to get a ban as the Mods here are very laid back in comparison with the countless other forums I've been on over the years.

Appreciate this place.
I Don't like commenting on this childish bickering but to balance it a little I've said some right shit on this forum and been warned.
I've been anti-Semitic, and PB warned me, I threatened to fight somebody and I was reported.

I've been vulgar and held my hands up, accepted I had been in the wrong and tried to change my attitude.

End of the day we're in these lads Manor, it's their website so what they say goes.

So if you have been banned in the past you must have said some right crazy shit to get a ban as the Mods here are very laid back in comparison with the countless other forums I've been on over the years.

Appreciate this place.
want a scrap dickhead?

4 O'clock

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