Basque and Catalan groups protest ''Tourists Go Home''

Must be just me then because my idea of a holiday wouldn't involve lying on a sun lounger with hundreds of other pasty Englishmen and women whilst their offspring ran riot around the pool.
It isn't mine either. I haven't done that for years, since the kids were with us. But they were never allowed to run riot wherever they were. Would they be allowed to do that in a 4 star British hotel? I doubt it.

But back to the topic. It appears that they are reaping what have sown over the years, just like in the UK. For years, people have holidayed in Spain, France, the Lake District, Yaarkshaar, etc, and liked what they have seen. When they became more affluent, they've bought a property there by outbidding the locals and pushing up prices for property. The local indigenous population are now revolting, in the nicest possible way, about the inequality of it all. Where will it end - who knows? Ban non locals from buying property in the area and people won't go there. Back to square one. Perhaps that's what they want.
I live on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales and spend a lot of time walking there. Holiday homes is a real problem. You can't build as it's a National Park, so young locals, priced out, move to bigger towns like Skipton. Slowly the villages die, schools close, village shop closes and, worst of all, the local pub closes as it has no local population to sustain it in the winter. No idea about a solution.

very similar on the North Yorks Moors too - and its fucking crowded in the summer whilst roads like the ones over to Whitby and Helmsley are impassable due to fuckers pulling caravans and motorcyclists too tight to shell out for a track day. Donors is their other monicker.
Know there are big protests in Venice too with the huge cruise ships, think the biggest have now been banned. I know msot venitians live off the island now even though there are empty apartments they are still way too expensive for those serving the tourists.
It isn't mine either. I haven't done that for years, since the kids were with us. But they were never allowed to run riot wherever they were. Would they be allowed to do that in a 4 star British hotel? I doubt it.

But back to the topic. It appears that they are reaping what have sown over the years, just like in the UK. For years, people have holidayed in Spain, France, the Lake District, Yaarkshaar, etc, and liked what they have seen. When they became more affluent, they've bought a property there by outbidding the locals and pushing up prices for property. The local indigenous population are now revolting, in the nicest possible way, about the inequality of it all. Where will it end - who knows? Ban non locals from buying property in the area and people won't go there. Back to square one. Perhaps that's what they want.

Some towns and villages in Cornwall are trying just that.
Same in the Lake District.

Local Occupancy Restriction
The dwellinghouse (s) hereby permitted shall not be occupied otherwise than by a Person with a Local Connection as his or her Only or Principal Home, or the widow or widower of such a person, and any dependents of such a person living with him or her.p

I'm not sure if that's a restriction on buying, or just that once bought, you have to rent to a local.
As much as you think this is an issue they let it happen. If you are going to allow cheap hotels, even cheaper bars and cheap flights to come into your country then you will have to put up with the baggage that comes with it. Unfortunately Spain got greedy. Now a few people are complaining mainly due to youth unemployment/ lack of cheap housing stock but without the tourists how do they think they will pay for it all?

They should be having a go at the government and not the hand that feeds them.

Look what happened to Greece. An economy based on tourism is very fickle.

Spain? It does what it says on the tin but I will say this...if you go away from the Blackpool by the sea areas and explore a bit you will find a wonderful country full of history, good food and drink and lovely people. I despair sometimes at people who go to Spain for 10 days expecting to find English style pubs and food. Why not just stay at home?
Correctamundo, if you build a Pleasure Dome don't expect Nuns, Vicars or Mother Teresa to turn up, your going to get Frankie Goes to Hollywood and his mates
Know there are big protests in Venice too with the huge cruise ships, think the biggest have now been banned. I know msot venitians live off the island now even though there are empty apartments they are still way too expensive for those serving the tourists.

either way it seems madness to actively reject your main source of income without anything being prepared to replace it - imagine if the UK were to do something like that?
either way it seems madness to actively reject your main source of income without anything being prepared to replace it - imagine if the UK were to do something like that?
Its difficult, I know Venice toyed with the idea of charging entry, but rejected it because they want Venice to remain a real living city not a theme park. But it can also only remain a living city if the locals are the ones living iand working in it. I wonder though how much money stays in Venice and similar cities and how much is syphoned off to tour and cruise companies. Another example I was in Cavtat and Dubrovnik, and was told a majority of the excursion companies and restaurants by Russians.
Its difficult, I know Venice toyed with the idea of charging entry, but rejected it because they want Venice to remain a real living city not a theme park. But it can also only remain a living city if the locals are the ones living iand working in it. I wonder though how much money stays in Venice and similar cities and how much is syphoned off to tour and cruise companies. Another example I was in Cavtat and Dubrovnik, and was told a majority of the excursion companies and restaurants by Russians.

I'd agree but what you describe is a failure of central and local government in regulating and controlling things. If you get a dodgy mole on your forehead you get it lasered off - the answer isn't decapitation FFS !

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