Bayern Munich @ Home

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inbetween said:
We all know full well that the Champions League is not designed for the fans at the ground it is designed for the TV audience. I really don't think UEFA will be bothered if anyone turns up providing they get their wedge of people watching on TV to feed their end of their sponsorship deals. An actual bigger protest against UEFA will be to turn up and sing some songs about them, boo the anthem and make some proper noise around the place. That would make a bigger impact than just simply not turning up. The only people that lose out if fans don't turn up is the club and obviously the fans who didn't turn up.

Confidence at the club right now is fleeting around rock bottom, MP is being questioned and the collective team spirit and feel around the place is also frail at the moment. The last thing we need is people not turning up because UEFA have put a bee in their bonnet over an issue totally irrelevant to a ball being kicked on a pitch. No matter what the Bayern or even the Roma result is we aren't going to then suddenly play in the Premier League and start beating people 6-0 again lets get that right. A lot on here need to start realizing that yes the Premier League is important but no team is easy and we have shown so far that we can and will be beaten again regardless of who we play and in what competition.

Anyway when we play Bayern it is 11v11 and if as many can turn up as possible we have that ever slightly bigger chance of demolishing them, I'm not arsed if we go through, I want to beat Bayern because we came close at their place and we should of got something. Beating them and coming close to qualifying is far better for us than bowing out in a car crash manner. They are supposedly one of the best teams on the planet so we need all the help we can get if we are going to get anything apart from another confidence battering.
Good analysis that, and exactly why we should be there, whatever you think of UEFA.
Lavinda Past said:
theres only one carlito said:
Gray said:
Yes I did go to matches when we were shite and sat through those terrible Stuart Pearce games in the 2006-2007 Premier League season when we went the last 8 home games on the spin without a goal. I was also the only person on my row and the rows in front and behind (North Stand pre-Family Stand) when we beat Barnsley 7-1 in the League Cup on the 21st September 2004 in front of 19,578 fans were you there?

I was also at the infamous Swindon Town home match on the 16th January 1965 in a crowd of 8,015 when we lost 2-1 to a team containing our future player Mike Summerbee.

I have just had enough of the CL, Platini, FFP, rigged draws and shocking refereeing and have decided to call it a day on that competition. By the way you may be aware that the Sheikh took over our Club in August 2008 and we started to purchase better quality players, then low and behold in September 2009 UEFA decided to introduce FFP, a coincidence I don't think so.

So do not question my loyalty as it has never wavered in 60 years of supporting our great Club - it is the abomination that is the CL that I am no longer prepared to support.

Wth all due respect your hurting the wrong people. Your club MCFC needs your support more now than ever. Platini and his cronies couldn't give a monkeys whether you turn up or not. You refusing to go cl matches doesn't effect them at all only your/our club. Do you watch cl on the Tele? Do see all their sponsorship? These are the people that run cl. The only way to hurt cl is through them. If you dont go to the game the next person will. Your support has never wavered? It is now.

Absolute nonsense. What gives you the right to say that anyone's support is 'wavering'...?

In my opinion, Gray is 100% right. I've been following City for well over 50 years and I've never disliked any competition more than the CL. I'd happily travel and pay to watch City play in a Full Members Cup tie on a wet Tuesday night rather than watch the biggest con in football. We've been stitched up every year by UEFA because Platini and Co are scared that we're going to upset their little party.

MCFC as a club does not actually need our support 'more now than ever' - The club is as rich as Croesus, and will get on quite nicely thank you whether I, or Gray, or anyone else go to the match or not. I'll very happily watch the Bayern game on TV and save my 400-mile round trip - You think that's me 'wavering'..? Well, I couldn't give a toss what you think and I fully expect Gray to feel exactly the same way.

We are lucky to live in a democracy. You'd do well to remember that before you criticise any individual's choice on how they spend their own money.

"its the biggest con in football". Mmm. You would do well to remember that when your watching it on the box then. HYPOCRITICAL.

I'm not telling anyone at all how to spend their hard earned. I'm not a dick.
My point was if your choosing not to attend because you want in some small way to protest the cl format,refs,platini etc. Not turning up wont Imo do did it.

Mcfc doesn't need your support because we are rich? Pfft. Do me a favour. If we all had that attitude (which is completely wrong) there would be no one turning up.
The team needs support because we are in a rut. Twelve man and all that.

Then you went on a tangent about democracy. Totally irrelevant.
It's mostly down to the price of tickets and CL is not the be all and end all for a lot of fans especially the older ones. My dads the same been going since early 70s and a Seasoncard holder wouldn't miss a game but he just doesn't enjoy everything what comes with the CL match day experience. I think he's done one game. When asked why he says "I'm not paying 50quid to watch 11 cheats con a ref who thinks we are there to watch him, I'll see you Saturday against Norwich"

my attitude is a little bit different as I've spent my school years watching United dominate my TV set midweek on itv and I want a bit of that, but I haven't enjoyed a single game yet except bayern away last year, and I do get a underwhelming feeling watching it at the moment. I've opted out of cup schemes this year and the thought of 40 quid to watch robben rolling about conning a soft currupt ref just doesn't rushing for my ticket. Maybe that will change if we are in a semi final!
BigJoe#1 said:
grim up north said:
Will you be wanting a ticket for the final

To watch Bayern V Real Madrid.... Not really thanks.

While I would love City to be there, and I don't think they will but you never know.

If someone said to me here is a ticket for the Bayern v Real match I would still love it , I'm a City fan but also a football fan and I wouldn't pass on a final in Berlin between 2 great footballing sides.
Ok, here’s my angle.

City;s hardcore support, was spawned during the baby boom years of the mid 60s, and it’s this generation, who grew up with City, dominating Manchester football, if not quite winning as many trophies as we should have done; the 1971-72 League title, and 1974 League Cup Final being the obvious examples.

When this generation starting regularly attending games in the late 70s, our average attendance rose to almost 6,000 higher than when we actually won the League ten years earlier.

Fast forward to the early 90s and City lost all the floating support to the rags. All we had was a hardcore 30,000 who were mainly in their mid 30s or slightly older.

From the York defeat to the Aguero goal, no other club in the history of English football has seen such a dramatic turn in fortunes.

The problem now is that the Champions League was never in our dreams. All we ever wanted was one trophy to end the 35 years of shite.

The original hardcore support are now in their 50s and we feel marginalised. Pretty soon, the ETIHAD will be averaging more than 50,000. Everything looks rosy, but the higher the crowds, the more our sense of loss.
We sound like football snobs, probably because we are football snobs. The club doesn’t really need us anymore, but christ they needed us 20 years ago.

As for the Champions League, I’ve been to every game, home and away, apart from the recent farce in Moscow.

However, that probably says more about my addictive personality than any lingering ambitions of seeing City progress this year.

I respect everybody’s opinion and can see both sides of the argument. It just irritates me when people get personal.
tolmie's hairdoo said:
Can't wait for this game.

I must admit, as a 40-year-old, time served, I have allowed the last few years to wash over me, to sit back and admire.

I couldn't give a fuck about UEFA but they have demonstrated they can run this competition with no fans inside the ground.

My club and our players need a lift and I will go with plenty of enthusiasm.

I want us to win so badly. I want us to channel our negative energy in the right way. At UEFA.

Win the fucking thing. The greatest gift we could ever receive would be the day a City skipper walks up those steps and collects old Big Ears from those c**ts.

Time for me to step up and play my part.
thats the spirit, step up and play your part,good on ya tolm, with all these injuries and suspensions, centre mid your playing, and track fucking back!!
Scaring Europe to Death said:
Ok, here’s my angle.

City;s hardcore support, was spawned during the baby boom years of the mid 60s, and it’s this generation, who grew up with City, dominating Manchester football, if not quite winning as many trophies as we should have done; the 1971-72 League title, and 1974 League Cup Final being the obvious examples.

When this generation starting regularly attending games in the late 70s, our average attendance rose to almost 6,000 higher than when we actually won the League ten years earlier.

Fast forward to the early 90s and City lost all the floating support to the rags. All we had was a hardcore 30,000 who were mainly in their mid 30s or slightly older.

From the York defeat to the Aguero goal, no other club in the history of English football has seen such a dramatic turn in fortunes.

The problem now is that the Champions League was never in our dreams. All we ever wanted was one trophy to end the 35 years of shite.

The original hardcore support are now in their 50s and we feel marginalised. Pretty soon, the ETIHAD will be averaging more than 50,000. Everything looks rosy, but the higher the crowds, the more our sense of loss.
We sound like football snobs, probably because we are football snobs. The club doesn’t really need us anymore, but christ they needed us 20 years ago.

As for the Champions League, I’ve been to every game, home and away, apart from the recent farce in Moscow.

However, that probably says more about my addictive personality than any lingering ambitions of seeing City progress this year.

I respect everybody’s opinion and can see both sides of the argument. It just irritates me when people get personal.
That's it though its your angle, but I don't identify with some of it.

I'm in my 50's and started watching City as a kid at the very end of the 60's, but I don't identify with "football snob", "all I ever wanted was 1 trophy", or "sense of loss".

Nor do my grown up kids, who started watching at a time when we were pretty shit (and got worse), and who have visited all manner of stadia watching the club, from the Nou Camp, to Halifax, but who are also proud to be blues, even though they have neither lived in the Manchester area at any time, and grew up in schools where they were the only blues. They both love the fact that they have seen this club rise from the depths of division 2, to playing and competing with the likes of Bayern, Barcelona, and Real, even if none of us really like what those clubs and the likes of united stand for.

I'm loving this new City too, looking forward to the new stand opening, the academy producing our own talent, the fact we've built the local area a new school and leisure centre. I'm damned proud of the club in fact, and the football isn't bad either, and most of all I look forward to us winning the Champions League one day, so we can firmly shove two fingers into the faces of those politicians that run our football and try to take it away from the true fan, not to mention the slimy twats like gill.

I'll be there against Bayern, as will my daughter, we might win, we might not, but City deserve our support in this game as much as any other game, because the club wants to succeed in the competition, and eventually we will, and on that day, nobody will be moaning.

Thank you Sheik Mansour, for all you have done already, and for what we will eventually do as well.
cleavers said:
Scaring Europe to Death said:
Ok, here’s my angle.

City;s hardcore support, was spawned during the baby boom years of the mid 60s, and it’s this generation, who grew up with City, dominating Manchester football, if not quite winning as many trophies as we should have done; the 1971-72 League title, and 1974 League Cup Final being the obvious examples.

When this generation starting regularly attending games in the late 70s, our average attendance rose to almost 6,000 higher than when we actually won the League ten years earlier.

Fast forward to the early 90s and City lost all the floating support to the rags. All we had was a hardcore 30,000 who were mainly in their mid 30s or slightly older.

From the York defeat to the Aguero goal, no other club in the history of English football has seen such a dramatic turn in fortunes.

The problem now is that the Champions League was never in our dreams. All we ever wanted was one trophy to end the 35 years of shite.

The original hardcore support are now in their 50s and we feel marginalised. Pretty soon, the ETIHAD will be averaging more than 50,000. Everything looks rosy, but the higher the crowds, the more our sense of loss.
We sound like football snobs, probably because we are football snobs. The club doesn’t really need us anymore, but christ they needed us 20 years ago.

As for the Champions League, I’ve been to every game, home and away, apart from the recent farce in Moscow.

However, that probably says more about my addictive personality than any lingering ambitions of seeing City progress this year.

I respect everybody’s opinion and can see both sides of the argument. It just irritates me when people get personal.
That's it though its your angle, but I don't identify with some of it.

I'm in my 50's and started watching City as a kid at the very end of the 60's, but I don't identify with "football snob", "all I ever wanted was 1 trophy", or "sense of loss".

Nor do my grown up kids, who started watching at a time when we were pretty shit (and got worse), and who have visited all manner of stadia watching the club, from the Nou Camp, to Halifax, but who are also proud to be blues, even though they have neither lived in the Manchester area at any time, and grew up in schools where they were the only blues. They both love the fact that they have seen this club rise from the depths of division 2, to playing and competing with the likes of Bayern, Barcelona, and Real, even if none of us really like what those clubs and the likes of united stand for.

I'm loving this new City too, looking forward to the new stand opening, the academy producing our own talent, the fact we've built the local area a new school and leisure centre. I'm damned proud of the club in fact, and the football isn't bad either, and most of all I look forward to us winning the Champions League one day, so we can firmly shove two fingers into the faces of those politicians that run our football and try to take it away from the true fan, not to mention the slimy twats like gill.

I'll be there against Bayern, as will my daughter, we might win, we might not, but City deserve our support in this game as much as any other game, because the club wants to succeed in the competition, and eventually we will, and on that day, nobody will be moaning.

Thank you Sheik Mansour, for all you have done already, and for what we will eventually do as well.

On the fucking money.
We are exactly the same. My kids ,although mancs, have seen all the shit like you lot have. They've been all over whilst we were bobbins. I too started in the mid 60's and been through the good and the bad.I won't forget how it was all taken away from us last time,we took it for granted. No chance I'm doing that now.
I too am so proud of our owner, our part in the community rebuilding and most of all our players. They will deliver the CL one day. Despite platini and co.
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